Adb shell commands list packages. Open a command prompt or terminal window on your computer.
Adb shell commands list packages for example $ adb shell pm list packages com. My goal is show "adb shell pm list packages -f" result on android( just print that result ). adb shell pm list packages -e – This command will show the list of all the enabled apps on your Android phone · adb shell pm list packages -u: ADB commands to reboot device: While debugging an android device, rebooting the device or rebooting in the recovery mode or bootloader mode is required for operations like sideloading any image or application. intent. md at master · MobileHacks/ADB-Shell Also, make a list of the packaged you've removed, you can at any time reinstall them with another adb command (search that thread to find it) Reply reply adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 package. This is what I get when I try to find out what's enabled/disabled: · pm list packages -d 2>/dev/null will list up all disabled packages, one per line, preceded with the keyword package: – so output looks like. pm command is a package manager which allows you to list, install, uninstal and disable your device packages. adb shell pm list · How about to list all the packages for a specific --user ? adb shell cmd package list packages. This can be a problem if you are if looking for pre-installed apps, which can be a huge namespace. It is very verbose, so it's likely that you have some filtering to do. 37. This is one of the most used ADB commands to check the list of Android devices connected to your computer. TheNeverMan TheNeverMan. ADB Debugging adb devices adb kill-server adb forward. google). example > packages. txt) do adb shell pm uninstall %%a do adb shell pm uninstall %%a This pipes the output of the pm list packages command into a text file and then loops through each line of the text file. mypkg · If you don't remember the correct package name you can list all packages including those uninstalled by the command. adb shell pm list packages -s Filter to only show system packages. pm list packages Is there any way to check the signature of the installed package and compare it with google play or something to know if that app is original or it can be hacked? Best regards Whenever you find several devices connected to your machine you will need to specify in which one you want to run the adb command. player gives Service media. It captures the X and Y coordinates of the touch event and constructs a touchscreen swipe command for input. adb shell pm list packages <keywords> To find the list of apps along with their associated packages, execute the following. adb shell settings put secure long_press_timeout 250 · Most commonly used Android Debug Bridge (ADB) Shell Commands for Mobile Penetration Testing. 93:5123 | Serialno: 98883837594d4f5453 | Apps Edit: Ok. Use this command to display all installed package names on the device. The above command will give a complete list of “dangerous group permissions” in the Terminal window. API. Download a file from the device adb shell pm list packages -f. · adb help // List all comands # Adb Server adb kill-server adb start-server # Adb Reboot adb reboot adb reboot recovery adb reboot-bootloader adb root //restarts adb with root permissions # Shell adb shell // Open or run commands in a terminal on the host Android device. To revoke a permission: adb shell pm revoke package. So if there were some ADB command to retrieve the common name for a given package name, I · Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device. we can use following command to know the current package name. # Grant root access su # Setup iptables before forwarding VPN iptables -t filter -F FORWARD iptables -t nat -F POSTROUTING iptables -t filter -I FORWARD -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE # forward VPN to wlan0 (change to rndis0 for usb tethering) ip rule add from 192. adb shell pm list packages -e Filter to only show enabled packages. adb shell pm list packages 1 2. As yourself commented, the easiest way to uninstall a system app is plainly to delete the . Try the following commands. How to Use the Command Step 1: Set Up ADB. Install an APK. Tested on Android 8. Skip to main content. phonetowers au. Command is `adb shell pm list packages | grep "{{query}}"` Click here to learn more about Commands. pm list instrumentation: use to list all test packages; optionally supply to list the test packages for a particular application. The command pm list packages list only installed third party applications. This script will process adb logcat output, looking for lines that indicate an intent is being broadcast. Kill all processes associated with (the app’s package name). Step by step: Enter adb shell command while a device (or emulator) is connected. exchange package:com. *=//' | sort android android. adb shell cat /data/app/com. APP INSTALLATION (see also adb shell cmd package help): install [-lrtsdg] [--instant] PACKAGE Push a single package to the device and install it. #!/system/bin/sh # Turn on tethering, then enable VPN, then run this script. What is ADB. vudroid "VuDroid" jcpezzullo. adb shell "logcat --pid=$(pidof -s <package_name>)" Linux/MacOS. You can use it to display/hide the status bar, change the DPI, etc. I think it is only one solution. ) If you just want to list all files, you can try. txt for /F "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in (packages. qantas. Contribute to A-YATTA/Android-Shell-commands development by creating an account on GitHub. ab -noapk com. List To read more about adb shell commands, refer to this document from Google Developers. adb shell pm list packages -d Filter to only show disabled packages. shandschuh. Is there a way to know activity names from the apk file? I can get the apk file name from the package my using . -d: only list dangerous permissions. diff <(adb shell pm list packages) <(adb shell pm list packages -u) - Lists uninstalled packages ADB Commands Set a large logcat buffer (16MB): adb logcat -G 16M. List Packages. txt I get Unknown command: list-packages Same with using "adb shell cmd package list-packages -s --user 0" and adb shell "cmd package list-packages -s --user 0" -f > c:\2. -3: filter to only show third party packages. youtube · adb shell pm clear [package name] This command clears the data and cache of an app, where the package name is the package name of the app you want to clear. # Devices adb usb adb devices //show devices attached adb devices -l //devices · Here are some of the most frequently used ADB commands. How to find out activity names in a package? android. · I have connected to my android phone via adb shell and have a list of all apps installed with. The . Most likely this will · We can use adb and aapt tools to figure this out. 2021. This command displays the logcat output of the device, which can help with debugging and troubleshooting. Some useful commands: List enabled packages: pm list packages -e. Android ADB Shell Commonds Manual. statical "StatiCal" tone. This command lists all the packages that contain the word "bloatware" in their name. PUT --es key boolean --ez value true ' adb shell ' am broadcast -a org. Package Manager adb install adb uninstall adb shell pm list packages adb shell pm path adb shell pm clear. List installed applications. . This command provides information about the services that are currently active. It finds the device fine, the adb shell starts fine, but it won't let me use any commands. txt will disable almost all HyperOS apps. Dive deep into Android package management with our comprehensive guide. 10. It is the most powerful and versatile way to control an Android device via adb. When the adb shell command is uncommented it only properly iterates lines of the first loop. In the last article from the Appium Series, we looked into a long list of useful ADB commands that you can use to control Android devices through CMD. All the commands in whose examples contain the word "shell" can be used individually only after running this command. pm enable <package_to_enable> Share to: Report. to find that below is the adb command. name ## например заблокировать приложение youtube ## блокируются даже системные apk adb shell pm disable-user com. For example · Nice one liner: " adb shell 'pm list packages -f' "List all a package works even without quotes: adb shell pm list packages -f Other Commands. katana package:com. Enable verbose logging: adb shell setprop persist. I used the Pydroid app to run the code and all the text files are saved on my downloads folder. adb shell appops get <PackageName> How to use & in adb shell input text 'asdas&'?I am trying to insert a text which contains &. Then, run pm list packages | grep '<OEM/Carrier/App Name>'. But it is not working. For example the following command also. The Android Debug Bridge is a programming tool used for the debugging of Android-based devices. . Follow answered Nov 7, 2019 at 13:51. g. aodanimated However if i run this command, I can see it and even pull the apk. kde. adb shell pm list packages -s · I didn't confirm but execute the command. app | cut -d ':' -f 2 | tr -d '\r' | xargs -L1 -t adb uninstall Found the solution in Echo outputting results in · Is there an easy way to get the version name of an application on Android devices using adb shell? I've already find this command from here: adb shell dumpsys package my. The following is a Python sample using the adb command: Syntax: adb shell pm list packages [options] <FILTER> Example: adb shell pm list packages. true to enable profiling; visual_bars to enable profiling and visualize the results on screen as bars; visual_lines to enable profiling and visualize the results on screen as lines; false to disable profiling; Overdraw. apppackage How do I uninstall this through the command line using adb if I do not know the package name?. In ADB shell issue the following command: dumpsys package packages This gives you all the information about installed packages, including the adb shell pm list packages -3. Use with caution! Stay in the Loop: Keep your ADB tools updated for the latest features and bug fixes. -i: see the installer for the packages. adb shell cmd package list packages | awk -F: ' {print $2} ' | sort. name' Frame profiling. · adb shell list packages (list package names) adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks) adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names) adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) adb shell list packages -u (list package names + uninstalled) adb shell dumpsys package packages (list info on all apps) Step 3: Finding the name of the packages to uninstall. the repo will find android 9 and android 11 choose the closest one to the version of your android device · Instead of using adb shell ps, firstly enter adb shell and then use ps. 4 and above adb shell dumpsys activity activities # for Android 4. · 15. package]" Content query can also be used. 运行 shell 命令: adb shell <command> 在安卓设备的 shell 环境下直接执行指定命令,如adb shell ls 用于查看设备当前目录下的文件列表。 adb shell pm list packages: 列出设备上安装的所有应用程序包名。可搭配 grep 等过滤特定应用。 · Sure, you might not have permissions to list the contents of that directory, but you can find the file locations of APKs with: adb shell pm list packages -f Then you can use adb pull: adb pull <APK path from previous command> and then aapt to get the information you want: aapt dump badging <pulledfile. ; Root Responsibly: Some commands require root access. adb shell pm list packages -f "my · adb –d <command> adb -e. adb shell dumpsys window | grep -i · List all the installed packages in the device; adb shell pm list packages. The first thing you need to do is to get the aapt binary from this repo. , along with their commands. From installation to app link handling, this guide covers essential ADB commands for developers. If you want to directly get the package name of the current app in focus, use this adb command - adb shell "dumpsys activity activities | grep mResumedActivity | cut -d "{" -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f3 | cut -d "/" -f1" Extra info from the result of the adb command is removed using the cut command. · Although since Android 7. While in a shell, the syntax is: Command Description; list packages [options] <FILTER> Prints all packages This repo holds possible adb commands that can interact with device/emulators - ADB-Shell/ADB. You can use this command with. READ_PROFILE Steps to List and Pull Package Permissions. If you want to see a list of all the apps, including system apps, then run the command adb shell pm list packages -f instead. adb shell pm list packages -d adb shell pm list packages -e adb shell pm list packages -u · adb shell pm [grant|revoke] <package-name> <permission-name> Eg: adb shell pm grant com. Print a large amount of info for a ADB-Shell-Commands-List - Free download as PDF File (. 1 )enter "adb devices" and one popup will appear on device the select agree. By sung this command, you can send the text message screen with the message content and phone number. adb shell 'logcat --pid=$(pidof -s <package_name>)' adb shell dumpsys package <PACKAGE> | grep userId It will print something like · adb install is a command to run from a development host, which uploads a package somewhere temporary and then installs it. Connect your Android device to your computer using a USB cable. gityuan. Step 6: Finding the Package Name for System Apps. The adb install / adb uninstall commands are useful for regular apps, not system apps. apk) on your device. Now the resulting output is pretty vast. list packages [-f] [-d] [-e] [-s] [-3] [-i] [-l] [-u] [-U] [--uid UID] [--user USER_ID] [FILTER] the text in FILTER. ADB shell. adb shell "cmd package list packages -U" | grep "<APP_PACKAGE_NAME>" Port numbers used by an app. adb shell pm list packages -f - Lists all installed user and system packages. Android shell - adb shell. player returns information about media. permission. adb shell pm list packages -e: Lists all the enabled apps on your device as package names. If you don't know how to get one you probably should not be messing with ADB. Let’s go over some shell commands. txt and search for content providers string in the output file. To list app packages with specific keyword filters. adb shell list packages (list package names); adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks); adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names); adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) · Type the following command and press Enter: adb shell pm list packages; This will display a list of all installed packages on your device. 0 you can use logcat --pid option combined with pidof -s command to filter output by binary/package name: Windows. SecurityException: Shell does not have permission to access user 150 com. 2. Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a command line tool that lets you · I am running this command: adb shell pm list packages But there are a lot of packages. ps | grep com. special characters are working well except ^, & characters in text value for adb input. 0. In this publication, we will continue the subject by looking at · adb shell list packages (list package names) adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks) adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names) adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) adb shell list packages -u (list package names + uninstalled) adb shell dumpsys package packages (list info on all apps) · To get a list of all packages and last update data you can use adb shell dumpsys package. shell@osprey_umts:/ $ adb shell cmd package list packages | grep 'google' · Select a particular device - adb -s <device name> <command> Shell. (Maybe it's just my phone. 输出包和包相关联的文件(安装路径)adb shell pm list packages -f5. apk . adb does indeed utilize the pm program on the device - see the source code at · I might be wrong but "find -name __" works fine for me. However, some apps can be stubborn and refuse to uninstall through the usual methods. adb shell am start -n / This command allows you The ADB shell command cmd package list packages retrieves a list of all installed application packages on the connected Android device. If your device is too old and does not have the cmd command try the same arguments with pm. adb shell pm list packages adb shell pm list packages -f See their associated file. pop -v 500 to · So, I did some research and found that the adb was trying to access my work profile, rather than my user profile. Use at your own risk and read over all commands to make sure you don't take out something you need. This command disables the wlan0 interface, which controls Wi-Fi on most Android devices. adb shell pm list packages [options] <FILTER> All <FILTER> adb shell pm list packages Attributes:-f to see their associated file. The command above indicates that we want to backup com. · pm list packages -u > all_packages. adb shell pm list packages -s ADB can control your device over USB from a computer, copy files back and forth, install and uninstall apps, run shell commands, and more. Then, use the following command: pm list packages | grep '. Use this command to direct ADB commands to a connected emulator. While in a shell, the syntax is: Command Description; list packages [options] <FILTER> Prints all packages adb shell am start -a android. Developer Docs Guides. Code: adb shell pm list packages | grep 'example' Replace ‘example’ with part of the app name you are looking for. adb shell pm list packages -f. SENDTO -d sms:+972527300294 --es sms_body "Test --ez exit_on_sent false // Reset permissions adb shell pm reset adb shell pm disable-user app. Yom Yom Whenever you find several devices connected to your machine you will need to specify in which one you want to run the adb command. This will list all the OEM and carrier apps installed on your device. sparserss "Sparse rss" org. adb shell list packages (list package names); adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks); adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names); adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) Here are some of the most frequently used ADB commands. Once connected to your device, start by running the adb shell command, which opens a terminal into your connected device. Nice one liner: " adb shell 'pm list packages -f' "List all a package works even without quotes: adb shell pm list packages -f Other Commands. adb shell 'pm list · adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks) adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names) adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) adb shell pm list packages -u ADB Shell command to Send SMS screen. Actions were taken: I tried to set it in build. Share. adb shell monkey -p 'your package name' -v 500 For example, adb shell monkey -p com. To revoke the same permission: adb shell pm revoke com. Click on Adb Shell icon on the toolbar Step 2: Input the adb shell command . whatsapp package to com. Running all commands listed in commands. OEM/Carrier/App Name>' without the dot before OEM. adb install < apk_file_path > · I know Facebook app package name is com. Si quieres que ADB Shell muestre la lista de todas las apps habilitadas o deshabilitadas en tu dispositivo, prueba el comando con parámetros como ‘-d’ (para las apps deshabilitadas), ‘-e’ (para las apps habilitadas) y ‘-u’ (para las apps desinstaladas). To grant a specific permission: adb shell pm grant package. adb shell pm list packages -3. adb shell pm list packages -d. 4. AbcApplication au. That will give you a full list of what permissions are available to be given/rejected on that device, including permissions defined by the manufacturer or by apps installed on the device. name 500. · adb shell pm list permissions -d -g. 1 In my case, I do an adb shell pm list packages to see first what are the packages/apps installed in my Android device or emulator, adb shell monkey -v -p your. That will list all the apps you’ve personally installed on the device. · I want use adb shell cammand in android. adb get-serialno. 12 Dec 2024. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. To list only the system packages, use the “-s” option. I entered TWRP recovery, mounted all partitions, and connected through ADB shell. For example, $ adb shell pm list packages | grep -i cal package:com. amazon. Thank you. For instance, you could insert "oneplus" there, or "samsung" to see what apps are there from the manufacturer. bitbot. Below are some of the most common commands you can use with ADB and their usage. For a list of all the available shell programs, use the following command: adb shell ls /system/bin. Install the Tools; Choosing a Development Environment; adb shell pm list packages. 输出包和安装信息(安装来_pm list package Typically cant be reenabled from the device without using ADB. Retrieve info about a specific package: adb Get mobile app list information. Follow (so they are only available inside adb shell). echo com. I've been using grep to find the ones I need, adb shell pm list packages | grep name but one of them doesn't seem to be showing. qantas au adb 全名 Andorid Debug Bridge,直接翻译安卓调试桥,环境变量中配置好 adb 的环境变量,直接通过命令行可以省很多事。 Android 常用 adb shell 命令大全 - Android教程 CommandNotFound ⚡️ 坑否 ———— 中文,免费,零起点,帮助攻城狮们避免在技术上遇到各种坑! to backup and restore a specific app, first list all the packages with: adb shell pm list packages. necessitas. I would like to run this and similar commands locally on my Android phone (Nexus 6P) in a terminal emulator (currently using Termux). hwui. adb shell dumpsys package providers. katana, I see it with command adb shell pm list package. This command reads the output of adb shell getevent -l and searches for lines containing EV_ABS (absolute position event) and EV_SYN (event synchronization). tv. To show all packages: adb shell pm list packages To show all disabled packages: adb shell pm list packages -d To show all enabled packages: adb shell pm list packages -e To disable a package: adb shell pm disable-user <PACKAGE_NAME>; To enable disabled · You can use adb shell commands to inspect logs, simulate various scenarios, and analyze device behavior during the development process. For example: in following "com. 1:5555 device bash. If you need more detail, try dumpsys <service>. Eg PS C:\\adb> adb devices to list disabled app. The adb command facilitates a variety of device actions, such as installing and debugging apps. Skip to content. app. 4274 Views. From that i can see the list of content providers in the device/emulator. joaomgcd. For Windows, you can use the findstr command instead of grep. If you want to get the list of package name of all the applications installed, you simply do: pm list packages when you are in shell, i. ab says it is an Adroid Some Android shell commands . I then switched the user via - Get the user id - 'adb shell pm list users' (mostly the id will be '0' for the default user, which was my case. This command clears all data for a specified application, effectively resetting it. The adb shell grants permission to execute Android‘s built-in Linux shell commands directly on a device or emulator. · 1. To issue a single command without entering a remote shell, use the shell command like this: adb [- d| - e| -s <serialNumber>] shell <shell_command> Or enter a remote shell on an emulator/device like this: · ADB Shell Command adb shell dumpsys Real Device. android. pm install is a command to run locally on the device. command. adb shell pm list packages コマンドを使用すると、Android デバイスにインストールされているパッケージ (APK) の一覧を取得できます。 パッケージ名は順不同で表示されるので、出力をパイプで sort につなぐと見やすくなります。 Use ADB to search for packages on a Android device. Now backup the specific package with: adb backup -f com. Backup Before You Act: Always backup important data before messing with system apps. Output the APK path of the installation package. PUT --es key float --ef value 3. we can use following command to find the all packages and locations of the apks. To not manually do the "rm" and selection of packages - is there a good way to list the uninstalled packages and Nice one liner: " adb shell 'pm list packages -f' "List all a package works even without quotes: adb shell pm list packages -f Other Commands. If you are familier with Linux, you’ll feel like home as Android uses linux kernal. aodanimated adb shell pm list packages TZTY. Wireless adb connect adb usb adb tcpip adb pair. adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks) adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names) adb shell list packages If at any point you want to output the full command to a text file, you can add > FILENAME. email So if you take that output and "grep" it for the package name in question, the package is enabled if the output is "empty" and disabled otherwise. 03 00:28 (2021. estrongs. People used to riding or adapting their devices will know AdB and Fastboot well. Unity API; Native API; Releases Forum. name permission. 查看当前连接设备或者虚拟机的所有包abd shell pm list packages2. -u: also include uninstalled packages. (Command line prefix will be shell@android:/ $ after executing this command. This topic was split from ADB (Android Debug Bridge) (opens new window) due to reaching the limit of examples, many of which were involving adb shell command. adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks) adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names) adb shell list packages Nice one liner: " adb shell 'pm list packages -f' "List all a package works even without quotes: adb shell pm list packages -f Other Commands. PUT --es key long --el value Welcome to /r/Netherlands! Only English should be used for posts and comments. player's clients, open adb shell pm list packages. These packages represent all the apps, both system and user-installed, currently on the device. emu COMMAND Run emulator console COMMAND. package. To add to above, if you can list and grep via: $ adb shell pm list packages | grep -i <some_idea> it will give you the name of the app, if you have some idea what the name of the package could be. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue. We can execute the below command to get a list of all installed packages in the device and filter to get only the app for which we want to find out this info. -u: list only the permissions users will see. tag D. Using the exact same commands as last time, but this time it's not happy. txt Most of this is not essential, but is beneficial in figuring out what's sucking up your battery life, running when it shouldn't, or phoning home when you don't Prints all packages, optionally only those whose package name contains the text in <FILTER>. ! @AndroidDeveloperLB i was able to make the old script work. myapp. 1. This allows incredible control over installed packages, system settings, and low-level configurations. tag V. 20 Jan 2025. adb shell pm list packages <FILTER-STR> adb shell pm list packages -f <FILTER-STR> #See their associated file adb shell <command> Runs the specified command on device (most unix commands work here) Sets the resolution to WxH: adb shell pm list packages: Lists all installed packages: adb shell pm list packages -3: Lists all installed 3rd-party packages: adb shell monkey -p app. looks like adb is borked up again. · pm isn't part of ADB (or the adb shell) command, but rather an executable shipping with Android: The package manager. e. The adb shell pm path command is used to print the path of a specific Android application package (. cmd package list package -u Share. adb shell list packages (list package names); adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks); adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names); adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) · adb shell pm list packages [options] <FILTER> adb shell pm list packagesadb shell pm list packages -f See their associated file. NTP. · adb shell pm list permissions. adb shell input text 'foo\&' adb shell input text 'foo\^' adb shell input text 'foo\&^' adb shell input text 'foo\&\^' adb shell echo Hello "\&" World adb shell echo · adb shell pm list packages – 이 명령을 실행하면 휴대폰이나 태블릿에 설치된 모든 앱 목록이 표시됩니다. BOOT_COMPLETED Remove the --brief parameter if you want more details. adb shell dumpsys · adb shell pm list packages Step 2: You will get all the package names. Do you want to see the list of enabled and disabled apps on your device? As a user of Android Debug Bridge (ADB), a tool that helps developers debug their Android applications, and one that is unfortunately Nice one liner: " adb shell 'pm list packages -f' "List all a package works even without quotes: adb shell pm list packages -f Other Commands. You can: List and modify app private data; Automate UI Adb useful commands list. Install the Tools; Choosing a Development Environment; · Options: -f: see their associated file. Improve this answer. -d: filter to only show disbled packages. ADB or Android Debug Bridge is a command line tool that allows communication between an Android device and a computer. READ_PROFILE. CALL -d tel:10086 1 (2) Open the website www. Introduction: Hi guys, First of all, I've some words to say: I've decided to make a tutorial for beginners how to write a windows batch file with ADB and Fastboot commands. pm list packages -f Within an adb shell, you can issue commands with the activity manager (am) tool to perform various system actions, such as start an activity, force-stop a process, broadcast an intent, modify the device screen properties, and more. This is the adb executable that you can use to run commands on your Android device. Original solution from here. · First, connect to your device via ADB, then run the command adb shell pm list packages -3 -f. What you need to run the adb shell commands is a adb shell dumpsys package packagename and check grantedPermissions section at the bottom of the output. Step 3: Add your desired package name in the below command. adb shell pm list packages -3 Filter to · Use pm. · adb shell ifconfig wlan0 down. For example, adb shell dumpsys media. Check with a N5 and that's happy. OP wants to know about a package that is no longer installed in the system Within an adb shell, you can issue commands with the activity manager (am) tool to perform various system actions, such as start an activity, force-stop a process, broadcast an intent, modify the device screen properties, and more. 7. C:> adb shell shell@android:/ $ ps | grep com. But I need a list of all the apps that displayed on the home screen ("Desktop"). control "Tone Control" · ' adb shell ' am broadcast -a org. · If you want to filter out only your app's activities currently running/paused, you can use this command: adb shell dumpsys activity activities | grep 'Hist #' | grep 'YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME' For example: Response of this command contains both package name and current Activity. install-multiple [-lrtsdpg] [--instant] PACKAGE Push multiple APKs to the device for a · ADB fixes that. adb shell pm list packages <FILTER-STR> adb shell pm list packages -f <FILTER-STR> #See their associated file Standalone binary package for executing commands on an Android device with handy shell and shorthands for most popular ADB commands. It is a client-server program that includes three components: A client, which sends commands. 只输出系统的包adb shell pm list packages -s3. This command is used to obtain detailed information about installed packages on device. WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS However, the command grant i Adb useful commands list. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Copy the one you want to start using ADB. adb uninstall your. gm) and my script tested for its presence with adb shell pm · To clear the app data of an application, use the command "adb shell pm clear <package_name>", where <package_name> is the unique identifier for the app you want to reset. List all packages: adb shell pm list packages -f · When I try to manually execute following command directly with user 0 then it works adb shell cmd package list packages --user 0 but otherwise it does not work. adb shell appops get <package-name> Issuing Shell Commands You can use the shell command to issue commands, with or without entering the adb remote shell on the emulator/device. adb shell list packages (list package names); adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks); adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names); adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) · adb shell list packages (list package names) adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks) adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names) adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) adb shell list packages -u (list package names + uninstalled) adb shell dumpsys package packages (list info on all apps) start the adb shell. Displays all installed packages on the Android device. Memory Usage: Command: adb shell dumpsys meminfo <package_name> Here is a handy list of adb commands widely used while working with Android platform. log. List there's an adb command for showing all packages list which includes hidden packages also: adb shell pm list packages -u But, I want to get list of only packages which are hidden in the android with adb shell pm hide 'package. By default the argument -3, which list third party apps only, is · To list all installed packages: adb shell pm list packages. And to list just the names: adb shell cmd package query-receivers --components -a android. adb shell opens a Linux shell in a target device or emulator. Home Commands Downloads. Once Wi-Fi is disabled, your app will have to rely on mobile data (if available), or it will behave as if it’s offline. COMMAND: EXPLANATION adb shell list packages: list package names adb shell list packages -r: list package name + path to apks adb shell list packages -3: list third party package names adb List installed applications. -u Output with loop containing ADB commands. adb shell pm clear . pm list packages -s. com · The command would look like this: adb shell pm grant com. Toggle navigation Stack Pointer. adb devices -l. Do you want ADB Shell to show the list of all enabled or disabled apps on your device, try the command with parameters like ‘ -d ‘ (for disabled apps), ‘ -e ‘ (for enabled apps), and ‘ -u ‘ (for uninstalled apps). Clear Android ADB Shell Commonds Manual. 4k次。无法执行adb shell pm list packages有些手机无法执行命令原因跟简单,使用adb shell进入了linux模式下,就直接使用linux的相关命令即可,无需再加adb大家可以看到,当我执行查看系统应用的命令后提示我adb命令未找到,当我把前面的adb shell 命令删除,直接运行pm list packages -s运行成功。 · then use below command to uninstall/disable system bloatware. package" i32 0. A list of their package names I can retrieve using adb shell pm list -3, but as those are package names only, recognizing apps is a guess-work. It extracts the action (act), category ( Adb useful commands list. names for all apps installed on your Android device. · I used adb shell command like this $ adb shell dumpsys > dumpsys. prop, but it didn't work. Navigate to the directory where the adb executable is located. app | adb uninstall adb shell pm list packages com. try this · Edit: when I saw the comment to CommonsWare answer I did not realize it was the same as the asker anyways, a little explanation may be useful for somebody. CALL -d tel:+972527300294 // Make a call // Open send sms screen with phone number and the message: adb shell am start -a android. The command will look like dumpsys battery instead of adb shell dumpsys battery. · These commands are executed using adb (Android Debug Bridge) on your terminal and focus on practical tasks for managing and troubleshooting devices. ADB commands can also help bypass certain restrictions set by Android: 12. adb shell pm list packages. To list all permissions (requested but not granted + requested and granted): Notice the APK of a package. 247:42135 offline 127. 3. As you can see · adb shell cmd appops set <package-name> RUN_IN_BACKGROUND ignore. · Method 1: Using ADB Shell and Dumpsys. 43. Clear app data. adb shell am force-stop <package-name> adb shell am kill <package-name> You can restrict background data usage through ADB by entering this command: adb shell pm restrict-background <package-name>. name: Starts the specified package: 0 Comments for this · After searching a little I found way to execute adb shell commands from windows CMD, when executes 'adb shell pm list packages' command the CMD throws this Exception: Exception occurred while executing 'list': java. apk file for the test package. adb provides access to a Unix shell that you can use to run a variety of commands on a device. adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks) adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names) adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) · I was looking for how to do it via adb - I did not find it. In the command prompt/terminal window, enter adb shell and hit enter. To uninstall system apps, you may need to know their exact package names. · How to use & in adb shell input text 'asdas&'?I am trying to insert a text which contains &. List connected devices by model or product number. providers. adb shell list packages (list package names); adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks); adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names); adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) · COMMAND EXPLANATION adb shell ls: list directory contents adb shell ls -s: print size of each file adb shell ls -R: list subdirectories recursively Table. Jeśli chcesz, aby ADB Shell wyświetlił listę wszystkich włączonych lub wyłączonych aplikacji na Twoim urządzeniu, spróbuj wydać polecenie z parametrami takimi jak '-d' (dla wyłączonych aplikacji), '-e' (dla włączonych aplikacji) i '-u' (dla odinstalowanych aplikacji). Reload to refresh your session. adb shell pm list packages <FILTER-STR> adb shell pm list packages -f <FILTER-STR> #See their associated file · Need help! How to get the uses permission on all app installed? First, I know the thread is old but for all newcomers who entering the cli nix world of android I just want to say: 'pm' has been moved to become 'cmd' command instead (Call package manager) you might have seen a note on earlier android versions: NOTE: 'pm list' commands have moved!Run 'adb shell cmd package · adb shell cmd package query-receivers --brief -a android. To grant a permission we can do the following command: adb shell pm grant com. adb shell pm list packages -e Filter to only show enabled packages. I want to use ADB instead of manually clicking on each app inside of app manager. Enable Fixed Performance Mode. To disable a system app, use the following command. dev from a blog post written by one of our engineers! · Explains how to list the package names and location of all the installed, system 3rd-party, enabled, disabled apps on Android through an ADB shell. File Manager adb pull adb push adb shell ls adb shell cd adb shell rm adb shell mkdir adb shell touch adb adb shell list packages (list package names) adb shell list packages -r Develop ADB Shell Commands Library Appium C#. chrome package:com. your. Case: I wanted to uninstall gmail, if present, (ie. · Adb useful commands list. example. autotools android. For more information about command options for Monkey, see the complete UI/Application Exerciser Monkey documentation page. A bit of shell pipeline processing produces more accessible output. ADB is a powerful tool that can be used to control your Android device from a computer. txt # as the name suggests this gives all the current packages without those bloatwares that I uninstalled. 5w次,点赞6次,收藏35次。1. 2. adb get-state. Syntax: adb shell pm list packages [options] <FILTER> Example: adb shell pm list packages adb shell pm path. You can copy the list of apps from the command windows and copy it to a text file. To get a list of the permissions applicable to a specific app, use. · Using the following 3 commands, Can we have single adb shell command to know the current apk file location and version of the apk. pdf), Text File (. To bring the Wi-Fi connection back up, simply run the opposite command All commands are to be executed in an ADB shell. Some key ADB shell commands include pm uninstall to remove apps, pm list packages to view installed apps, dumpsys to view system information, and wm adb shell pm list packages | sed-e "s/package://" | while read x; (cat), flags (flg), and package (pkg) from the intent and constructs an adb shell am broadcast command. Since this apk is located in /system/app, adb Actual adb commands so you can check installed apps and disable them (including those "unremovable" built-in ones):. So best would be to do the first method until you see is is all fine - not debloated to much. adb shell pm list packages -3 List system apps only. - spellcaster/ADB_Shell · You should see a file called adb (or adb. pm list packages -3. This command kills only processes that are safe to kill and that will not impact the user experience. Enter ps | grep <package_name_to_be_filtered> (i. alexadestination ## disable game circle Check out the directory of all ADB Shell commands list with a cheat sheat describing their functions, We'll also see how we can use ADB shell commands. adb reboot. adb shell dumpsys activity recents # for Android 4. adb logcat. adb shell pm list packages -f | grep -i "<app_name>" source with a list of other Shell commands, here is a list of some useful ADB and Fastboot commands that can be useful in different situations. adb shell pm list packages -d · well if you insist doing it in adb, you can do: adb shell service call package 1 s16 "my. e you’ve entered adb shell command before this. profile <value> Possible <value>s are:. So you can use its full potential: So you can use its full potential: pm list packages [options] options: -f: See their associated file. the version number will be somewhere near 0x1F and the name string after 0x20 (should be 3rd line) – · adb shell pm list packages org. To get the ADB instance serial number, use the adb get-serialno command. So if you want to list a particular apk, you can try filtering by the app name. · (確認バージョン: Android 12 (S)) pm list packages コマンド. · To remove an installed app, specify its package name with the adb uninstall command. Get a list of installed packages and path to base apk. When you run this command, it provides a list of information for each package installed on the device. Syntax: adb shell To exit the shell. when run adb shell pm list features my parameter did not load. There are a lot of commands that you can use in shell. whatsapp package:com. Get uid of an app. Using the above ADB Shell command, you can print the list of the app package. These ADB commands and ADB commands operate on all Android devices, regardless of the model or manufacturer of the device. To get a list of all the apps on the device, enter this command on your Command Prompt or Terminal: adb shell pm list package. overdraw <value> · You can do this using the pm list packages command: adb shell pm list packages | grep bloatware. Then, I tried in command line: adb shell pm path com. different parameters to get a more specific list of app packages. adb devices //show devices attached · > adb shell pm list packages package: adb shell wm. package:com. · Pro Tips for Package Management Mastery. google u0_a64 3353 2467 903744 Enter the shell using the command adb shell; Verify that you are in the shell with the command whoami, To do so, simply run the commands adb shell pm list packages | findstr "" with the app/package name in the quotation marks, followed by pm uninstall -k --user 0 <packagename>, with <packagename> being the aforementioned app's package name. This command opens the shell. This command gives you a complete list of all apps installed on your Android device, displaying their package names. It allows you to run a variety of shell commands on a connected Android device or emulator directly from your computer. 면 녹화의 기본 시간 제한은 3분이므로 직접 중지하지 않으면 3분 후에 자동으로 중지됩니다. 15. whatsapp. To list all the installed packages on an Android device, use the following syntax. Command: To list directory content: adb shell ls: To print size of each file in selected directory · Is there a way to list all the activities in a package through adb shell. ) On an unrooted device, make a list of all the packages and then all the packages plus the hidden ones. Using an Android App; You can find some good apps in the Google Play Store that can help you with finding the app package names. adb shell pm list packages -u: · Now let‘s unlock the true power of ADB Advanced Shell Commands. the repo will find android 9 and android 11 choose the closest one to the version of your android device ADB shell pm list packages command. adb shell pm list packages -3 it's will filter to only show third party packages. -u to also include uninstalled packages. apk> · adb shell pm list packages | grep -i TZTY. am. adb shell settings. selfservice au. File Manager adb pull adb push adb shell ls adb shell cd adb shell rm adb shell mkdir adb shell touch adb ADB List Installed Packages: 20200121 A shell command called pm can be utilised to list the installed packages. I want to see if the package name is somehow different. google. package | grep versionName · list all installed packages in android adb shell. For example to get global settings key "adb_enabled" that verify if ADB is enabled: content query --uri content://settings/global --projection name:value --where 'name=adb_enabled With grep is better, because list packages com package_name will return an array with all packages which match partially to package_name (basically, as a grep). txt pm list packages -s > debloated_system_packages. adb shell dumpsys package packagename and get the APK path from codePath element of its output. adb shell. · This repository contains a list of Android Debug Bridge (ADB) commands to aggressively bloatware from HyperOS Android devices that don't normally display an option to remove them. Let’s see how to do this. UI · I also found that the problem is with adb commands not taking piped arguments or arguments from shell variables. txt) or read online for free. -i See the installer for the packages. mypackagename android. Retrieve list of all packages installed on device: adb shell 'pm list packages -f' | sed -e 's/. name # разблокировка выполняется командой. This package list is specifically tailored for the Realme RMX2085 running RealmeUI 2 but is expected to be compatible with other versions as well. Background (if somebody's curious): I want to be able to quickly obtain a list of user-apps from any of my devices, without having to revert to acrobatics. adb –e <command> adb devices. You don't need any knowledges about batch files or similar things. katana-2/base. adb shell pm list packages List third party apps only. This command allows you to interact with the device’s window manager. player: not found otherwise. apk > app. Once you have the package names, you can disable the apps using the pm disable-user command: adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 com. Options are: —user user · The command adb shell pm list packages print a list of all the installed apps. com. How to use adb shell commands on manual sessions in Kobiton¶ Step 1: Launch a manual session. -e: filter to only show enabled packages. Adb useful commands list. You signed out in another tab or window. Then after the mobile phone is connected to adb, many operations can be done through the am command: (1) Call 10086. == Lists disabled apps adb shell cmd package list packages -d | cut -f2- -d : == Disable pre-installed system app adb shell cmd package disable-user --user 0 · -s: short summary. Help is available for most of the commands. adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 <package-name> 8. command: adb root Normal output: adb shell pm list packages [-f] [-d] [-e] [-s] [-3] [-i] [-u] [--user USER_ID] [FILTER] That is, on the basis of adb shell pm list packages · Adb useful commands list. Compare them and the uncommon entries in the second list would be the packages you are looking for. player: found if it's running and Service media. adb shell · Here is a complete list of all the ADB Commands and Fastboot Commands and a help guide on how to use these commands on your Android device. adb shell pm list packages -s Filter to only show system packages. Options: -f: list the . -s: filter to only show system packages. It’s particularly useful when you need to identify apps for management tasks like uninstalling or clearing data. katana It returns: adb shell pm list packages – Fathima km. adb shell am start -a android. adb shell ls -Ral / | grep -i myfile · Shows the list of all the system apps installed on your Android with the package name: adb shell pm list packages -3: List of all the 3rd party apps installed on your Android: adb shell pm list packages -d: Disabled apps list on your Android: adb shell pm list packages -e: Enabled (active) apps list on your Android with package names: adb shell · With adb shell cmd package list-packages -s --user 0 -f > c:\2. Learn how to manage variables, execute general commands, control network settings, and utilize miscellaneous functions with ADB. - GitHub - sncvikas/ADB_Commands: Here is a handy list of adb commands widely used while working with Android platform. The adb shell pm list packages command prints all packages installed on the Android device or emulator. is there any other solution on my problem? I want just print that result( packages list ). It includes the ADB shell which provides access to a Unix shell on the device to run commands. · See my answer at Determine the package name of your app to get the package name of the concerned app and use adb shell to execute these commands (requires root access):. I think it's quite easy and everybody can learn it. 07. If used incorrectly ADB can break essential device processes. app android. To list only 3rd party (or non-system) packages, use the “-3” option. This command reboots the device. adb shell pm list packages -i. adb wait-for-device · List of commands. Then you can @AndroidDeveloperLB i was able to make the old script work. company. *=//' | sort. BOOT_COMPLETED · On this site AutoTools Secure Settings, I was advised to use the following command: adb shell pm grant com. adb shell list packages (list package names); adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks); adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names); adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) · From the list of packages that displayed with above command, Once i know my package name(say xyz package) what shell command i have to use to list all the activities under that package(xyz package). You can find the package name of an app by running the command "adb shell pm list packages". 输出所有第三方包adb shell pm list packages -34. List all packages: pm list packages -a. sp. Use the command "adb shell" to enter the device’s shell. It's helpful to pipe the output into a text file by appending > [text file name] to the end of this command. lang. TL;DR. adb shell ls -R / You probably need the root permission though. adb shell pm list packages -d Filter to only show disabled packages. txt to the end of your command. calendar. You can use the command: adb shell pm list · (Hidden packages are treated as uninstalled packages. contacts" is the package and This command reads the output of adb shell getevent -l and searches for lines containing EV_ABS (absolute position event) and EV_SYN (event synchronization). note aapt2 is the newer version of appt, but it is slower in parsing the data from apk files only use aapt2 when you get errors with aapt. 20 Jan 2025; 12 Dec 2024; Welcome to Magic Leap 2; Getting Started. ActivityManagerService · for APP in $(adb shell pm list packages -3) do APP=$( echo ${APP} Run the following command: adb shell dumpsys package <packagename> A whole bunch of text will be returned. Note: %, $, #, '@' etc. For example: adb shell pm list packages | grep · No matter if Secure Folder is disabled or enabled, it doesn't interfere with ADB or with the PM LIST PACKAGES command. I was looking for options with adb commands, I could not find anything except the command · How do I list application packages together with their activities? Expecting something like this: $ adb shell list_apps de. name. Launch an app. Open a command prompt or terminal window on your computer. adb devices List of devices attached 10. Other shell commands. 93:5123 Device: 192. Follow answered Sep 28, 2020 at 18:48. exe on Windows). Use case 2: List All Installed System Apps. pm list From a shell on my PC, I can run adb shell cmd package list packages, and get a list of all installed packages. SENDTO -d sms:+919792211100 --es sms_body "Test --ez exit_on_sent false adb shell pm list packages. · Command: adb shell pm list packages. 0/24 lookup 61 即在 adb shell pm list packages ADB Shell Commands; logcat Command-line Tool; Android ADB命令大全 · To list all installed packages on the device: adb shell pm list packages: List of installed packages: adb forward <local> <remote> To forward a local port to a remote port on the device: adb forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080-adb reverse <remote> <local> To reverse port forwarding from a remote to a local port: adb reverse tcp:8080 tcp:8080-adb backup . bloatware. For instance, if you want to list the system apps only, use. for example, adb shell pm list packages -3 > ThirdPartyAPKs. · Retrieve the package name using adb shell pm list packages or the mCurrentFocus command. This capability enables you to interact with the Android system, execute scripts, automate tasks, and debug applications without directly accessing the device’s screen. The first approach involves using the adb shell pm list packages command to list all installed package names. To list the package names as well as the path to the installed APK files, use the “-f” option. ). txt What I'm doing wrong? Also, that's not exactly what I meant, even if the command is working I don't want the · 使用-s参数:adb shell pm list packages -s,只输出系统的包。 使用-3参数:adb shell pm list packages -3,只输出第三方的包。 使用-i参数:adb shell pm list packages -i,只输出包和安装信息(安装来源)。 使用-u参数:adb shell pm list packages -u,只输出包和未安装包信息(安装来源)。 adb shell cmd package install-existing <package_name> But the diasadvantage - it still consumes memory. This is the output with the adb command uncommented: Processing Device #1: 192. The following ADB command will fetch the list of permissions (allowed and not allowed) a specific app may request and whether or not the permission has been granted. Search for a specific package: Replace <keyword> with the app name you’re looking for (e. ADB Shell. For example, to clear YouTube's app data, type: · With the help of this ADB command, you will be able to see the list of all the JDWP processes on your PC. Once you have the package name, you can extract more detailed information using: adb shell dumpsys | grep -A18 "Package [my. · Package Management: Command: adb shell dumpsys package <package_name> Keynote: We can use it for whole system as well as for specific packages; Purpose: Provides details about installed packages, their permissions, and the components (activities, services, receivers) they contain. Step 3 · 以下のコマンドを実行するには、USBデバッグとフィンガープリントの許可をあらかじめ済ませておく必要がある。##接続中のデバイスを確認する$ adb devices##アプリのパッケージ名一覧を · 文章浏览阅读1. facebook. action. Retrieve the main activity using adb shell dumpsys package or adb shell dumpsys window. 168. Learn how to manage apps, permissions, users, and more for a smoother Android experience. app · adb shell pm list packages -s – This command will show the list of system apps that are installed on your Android phone/tablet. CAMERA 5) List all installed application packages on the device #adb shell. The android manifest file pulled from the phone doesn't help as it is the binary version of the file, therefore containing no meaningful information. sec · package:com. Hello. 03 06:36 Edit) 3. adb shell setprop debug. 음을 중지하려면 Ctrl + C 또는 Command + C 키보드 단축키를 누르세요. For example, if an app shows up in the Android main menu as "My Application", how can I delete it if I do not know it's package name? · To simply check whether a specific service is running, use: adb shell service check <service> For example, adb shell service check media. adb shell service list: Retrieve a list of services running on your Android device using the service list command. txt pm list packages -3 > third_party_packages. Each line of the app list that is displayed will end Explore a comprehensive list of ADB commands for Android debugging and development. permission 文章浏览阅读2. Android package management is done by the pm command on the ADB shell. 1 Oreo. PUT --es key int --ei value 2015 ' adb shell ' am broadcast -a org. name Bypassing Restrictions. # Granting & revoking API 23+ permissions A one-liner that helps granting or · Android devices are known for their flexibility and customizability, allowing users to install and uninstall apps at will. Isn't that odd? What changes has Samsung made since Galaxy S7 that would negatively impact essential ADB commands like listing the installed packages? \Windows\system32>adb shell pm list packages --user 0 package:com. You can In order to list all third-party apps installed on your Android device, you issue the following command. adb shell list packages (list package names); adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks); adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names); adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) · The app likely just uses the disable or hide command, but I am not sure what I misclicked, so I need to get a list or currently disabled apps or reenable all apps. With Android Terminal Commands PDF. The output includes various details about each package. Edit: As other answers suggest, use ls with grep like this: adb shell ls -Ral yourDirectory | grep -i yourString eg. The daemon on the Android device connects with the server on the host PC over USB or TCP, which connects to the client that is used by the end-user over TCP. Revert to debug logging: adb shell setprop persist. here. optus. ) Switch to default user - 'adb shell am switch-user USER_ID' (USER_ID = 0, in my case) · I know I can use adb shell pm . server. Commented Apr 11, 2017 at 9:56. ab file as indicated with the -f flag. Documentation here: https: Is there a adb shell command to know all activitynames of a package. bash. Set NTP server for android List all Packages adb shell pm list packages -f. Accessing the Shell: You can access the shell of your Android device using ADB to run various commands. adb shell pm list packages -d – If you want to view the list of all the disabled apps on your device. Even rebooted the g3 and my PC. The command adb get-state command is used to see the ADB status of a connected device or emulator. 14159 ' adb shell ' am broadcast -a org. $ adb shell 'pm list packages -f' | sed -e 's/. · Replace "package_name" with the package name of the app you want to uninstall. adb shell input text 'foo\&' adb shell input text 'foo\^' adb shell input text 'foo\&^' adb shell input text 'foo\&\^' adb shell echo Hello "\&" World adb shell echo · First, I know the thread is old but for all newcomers who entering the cli nix world of android I just want to say: 'pm' has been moved to become 'cmd' command instead (Call package manager) you might have seen a note on earlier android versions: NOTE: 'pm list' commands I can delete apps (that I code myself and install through the SDK) using this command: adb uninstall com. It calls adb shell pm uninstall for each The tool provides an entire list of all installed packages available through the adb shell pm command, which gives the user detailed information regarding the apps and packages on the device, including system apps, user-installed apps, and hidden packages. Enabling Network Connectivity. Find the Package Name: To find the package name of a specific app, you can either scroll through the list or use the grep command to filter the results. youtube In this output, each line represents an installed application on the device prefixed by the word “package:” followed by the package identifier for the app. Sideload the given full OTA package Restart adbd with root permissions adb shell monkey -v -p your. xiyun. Customization: Running adb shell commands programmatically opens up a whole new world of customization possibilities. Is there a simple way for me to sort the adb listed packages from newest Whenever you find several devices connected to your machine you will need to specify in which one you want to run the adb command. adb shell pm enable app. adb shell pm list · You signed in with another tab or window. adb shell pm list packages should do the job. apk file. You can modify system settings, change system behavior, and customize various aspects of · You can also use the following commands to kill or stop a battery-hogging app or process using ADB. I do not understand where this problem has come from after updating driver version despite having same device and device settings. adb shell pm list packages -d adb connect <TV_IP> # verify devices: adb devices # list installed packages: adb shell pm list packages -f -3 # list all packages: adb shell pm list packages -f # disable package: adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 <PACKAGE_NAME> ## disable alexa shopping: adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 com. kill-server adb forward. VIEW adb shell am broadcast -a 'my_action' adb shell am start -a android. adb shell pm list packages -f: · Nice one liner: " adb shell 'pm list packages -f' "List all a package works even without quotes: adb shell pm list packages -f Other Commands. ; Experiment Safely: Try these commands on a test device before using them on · In the IP address field, enter localhost; in the port field, enter 5555; in the ADB Shell Command field, enter your command (if it's adb shell pm list packages for example, you will have to remove adb shell from the command) ; in the ADB timeout in ms, you should use 50 however you are free to use pretty much any number you want. My target is, that all of you can write your own batch files to control your device. It disables the app, but doesn't "uninstall" it, meaning that you can re-enable it with another ADB command instead of a factory reset · adb shell dumpsys Some services can receive additional arguments on what to show which normally is explained if you supplied a -h argument, for example: adb shell dumpsys activity -h adb shell dumpsys window -h adb shell dumpsys meminfo -h adb shell dumpsys package -h adb shell dumpsys batteryinfo -h · The adb shell command is an essential tool for Android developers and power users alike. · Here is a list of adb commands to get you started and do some useful things with your Android smartphone. com. And LAUNCHER 1, or main activity works for a lot of apps but · At this time, you can execute commands after adb shell and then su, or you can let adbd execute with root privileges, which can execute high-privileged commands at will. adb shell su pm disable PACKAGE # disables the app and hides it in Settings -> Applications pm hide PACKAGE # alternative; for Android Lollipop and above cmd package suspend PACKAGE # alternative; Nice one liner: " adb shell 'pm list packages -f' "List all a package works even without quotes: adb shell pm list packages -f Other Commands. to obtain a list of all packages, but I need the version for each application. You can run the same command. izg pcacohwd cay dozp ezw fsmfln fgnh xhj ihp qvwrg ttqbs ugviniz nnzbdn imshth aaj