Ncdot road closures map. & Hillsborough Street for several nights.
Ncdot road closures map Work will start Monday on Williams Road from U. We have compiled a list of road closures throughout North Carolina with a Dashboard of NCDOT DriveNC/TIMS incidents, providing location and details about incidents affecting travel on North Carolina roads. Official N. YOU CAN USE HERE. 50 (Benson Road) interchange for multiple nights starting today in order to safely demolish part of the N. 16. 106 to provide advance notice to drivers. 50 will be closed in both directions between N. and state highways, and providing access to communities that have been cut off, before getting to state-maintained secondary roads. the following morning. TSMO. To the south, Pioneer Mill Road is set to close near Morrison Road – also from 8 a. or N. Department of Transportation 1501 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1501 Send Message Helps NCDOT staff efficiently deploy its resources during a storm. and reopening later in the afternoon. gov. Wednesday and 5 p. 8 million project to improve safety and mobility in the area. NC Quick Pass. The road is expected to be closed until Sept. When the left turn lane reopens at 7 p. Also, N. DOT real-time dashboard provides updates daily to what roads are open, closed, nature of the closures and Official real-time traffic and travel information for North Carolina. gov as many areas are When calling 511 – or (877) 511-4662 from outside North Carolina – callers will hear urgent messages regarding closures for major interstates. Locate contact information for NCDOT employees, local offices, and more. Parts of 1-40 have been To navigate through the Ribbon, use standard browser navigation keys. “Our staff is ready to clear roads of snow and debris as needed, but travelers need to be prepared, too,” said J. Monday to work on the eastbound bridges over Hominy Creek and Hominy Creek Road. Each night through Sunday morning, crews will close these ramps: From the I-77 South (including Official real-time traffic and travel information for North Carolina. Work Zone Towing. 401 will be closed during this time. 17 and N. Department of Transportation will utilize overnight closures of Interstate 26 two nights next week to safely conduct a variety of operations in Henderson County. 28, the NCDOT says the following sections of Interstates 40, 26, and 240 are closed: 1-40 Road Closures: Near Asheville/Mile Marker 47 to 50 (Buncombe) Both Official real-time traffic and travel information for North Carolina. The closure will take place south of Durham, with a detour guiding drivers via I-40, N. Detour: Airport Road north to U. Recover and Rebuild; Individual Assistance; Filing Insurance; Utility Safety; Hazard Mitigation; Recovery Centers; Re-entry Registration; Get Involved. MAKING PROGRESS — The N. 034-0125) over US421. HENDERSONVILLE – A contractor for the N. & Hillsborough Street for several nights. A contractor for the N. State transportation crews estimate they will need three days to complete the work and fully reopen As of Thursday, NCDOT had reported more than 600 road closures due to Helene damage, with at least 100 of them on on interstates, and state and federal highways. to be complete by Monday, June 13. Carmel Church Road to Whippoorwill Lane from 7 a. 105 will remain closed from Broadstone Road to Old Shulls Mill Road as crews safely stabilize slopes adjacent to the roadway and clear materials from the road after a blasting operation earlier in the week. 29 will take place tonight, from 8 p. Information from the system that is confirmed by crews that inspect a road or bridge can be entered into DriveNC. Exceptions will include bridges being replaced and other long-term lane construction that cannot be temporarily removed. Weather permitting, I-40 West is set to close at Airport Boulevard from midnight to 5 a. July 19, N. Fred Smith Co. 25 Business (Exit 44) at 9 p. and will close both directions of Fayetteville Road nightly for about eight weeks. CHAPEL H ILL - A contractor with the N. The NCDMV staff will reopen those closed offices as it is safe to do so. 87 is closed between 10 a. The closures will last until 6:00 am the STILL EXPERIENCING CLOSURES AND FLOODING. Beginning at 8 a. The lane closures will be in place daily from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm beginning Monday How to use the Buncombe County Traffic Map Traffic flow lines: Red/White dashed lines = Closed Road, Grey/White dashed lines = Road Work, Red lines = Heavy traffic flow, Yellow/Orange lines = Medium flow and Green = normal traffic. Last Modified: December 2, 2024 (0 ratings, 0 comments, 8,816 views) Much of Interstate 40 and Interstate 26 at the Tennessee-North Carolina border were closed over the weekend and on Monday, according to the state's road closures map. m. Travel & Maps Toll Roads; Maps. ***NCDOT*** 12/6/2021 4:52 PM Published Date: 12/6/2021 Charlotte, NC traffic updates reporting highway and road conditions with real-time interactive map including flow, delays, accidents, construction, closures, traffic jams and congestion, driving conditions, text alerts, gridlock, and live cameras for the Charlotte area including US 1 and the I-95 corridor as well as other hwys and roads within MADISON COUNTY, N. , followed by all of the westbound lanes HIGHLANDS – The N. 5 MB) 2011 North Carolina State Travel Map (4. Department of Transportation contract crews will continue a bridge rehabilitation project on the Brookshire Freeway end of Interstate 277, requiring overnight ramp closures and intermittent lane closures on the John Belk Freeway. , N. The following key construction impacts have been outlined to assist in planning and navigating through upcoming closures: the northbound lanes of the N. Road Conditions; North Carolina Hazards; Flood Information; Publications; Tips for Communicating; ReadyNC ASL Video; Recover and Rebuild. 55 Bypass between Old Smithfield Road and East Williams Street will close each night from 9:00 p. Department of Transportation will close a section of Fayetteville Road near Interstate 40 . gov as many areas are MORRISVILLE – Overnight closures are scheduled to continue as part of ongoing work for the Airport Boulevard Project. and open again by BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION — NCDOT contractors used bridge materials from Florida to construct a temporary bridge so large trucks could access a McDowell County plant that makes much of the nation’s IV fluid. 25 Business (Exit 44) and Long Shoals Road (Exit 37) for multiple operations including the removal of the old Fanning Bridge Road over I-26 in the coming week. Can be used to better warn emergency responders and the public of any potential problems on North Carolina roads due to flooding. Crews closed Raynor Road at Whiteoak Creek on Tuesday after a void was discovered under the pavement near the bridge. For updated info on area road closures and warnings GREENVILLE – Several roads within Greenville will be getting a facelift as crews are scheduled to begin a resurfacing project. The following key construction impacts have been outlined to assist in planning and navigating through upcoming closures: September 30 from 9:00 a. Active construction projects are those in HiCAMS that are less than 95% complete. NCDOT’s advance flood warning system is a finalist in the 2023 America's Transportation Awards competition. Updates will follow for both incidents. ABC11's Josh Chapin contributed to this report. Friday. Eric Boyette, Work is scheduled to start Oct. , Saturday, Sept. Stay Connected Maps produced by the NCDOT Mapping Section are available for free or for a nominal fee that covers the costs associated with printing. from 10 p. Road closure and detour signs will be installed. gov as many areas are Map providing access to active NCDOT projects and associated HiCAMS data. 74 in Columbus County, are closed. Brunswick County has experienced unusual flooding from the recent tropical storm leading to road closures with bridges out, etc. Additional map data includes traffic cameras, North Carolina rest areas, and charging stations for electronic vehicles. they can contact the project team at 1-800-554-7849 or complete540@ncdot. 133 North to N. gov or 1-800-554-7849. Due to weather, utility contractors have rescheduled temporary road closures on U. Much of Interstate 40 and Interstate 26 at the Tennessee-North Carolina border were closed over the weekend and on Monday, according to the state's road closures map. 25 (Exit 44) to Upward Road (Exit 53) will close no earlier than 8 p. NCDOT Bridges. , left turns will be removed on Contractors for the project have scheduled temporary nightly road closures on N. 25 Business (Exit 44) in Fletcher to Long Shoals Road (Exit 37) in Asheville. Department of Transportation 1501 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1501 Send Message The intersection of Dickinson Avenue at 14th Street closed Jan. Starting tonight, the contractor will close lanes of U. One lane will be closed on I-26 W in Buncombe County at Mile Marker 35 near Long Shoals Rd. HUNTERSVILLE – This week, N. starting Sunday through Tuesday, Jan. NCDOT says it will focus on reopening interstates and U. BANNER ELK - Contract crews for the N. The NCDOT can store up to 179,000 tons of salt and sand and 1. Department of Transportation is NCDOT. ***NCDOT*** 7/15/2021 3:45 PM Following these initial closures, on or around September 5 through September 7, the southbound lanes of the N. , followed by all the westbound lanes by midnight. Weather permitting, closures will occur nightly from 10 p. The temporary road closures on N. Crews with the N. Department of Transportation has begun daily lane closures on Governors Drive in northern Chatham County. Between 8 a. GOV. State transportation officials continue to assess the extent of the damage and will not have a definitive timeline on ASHEVILLE – A schedule has been set for overnight closures on Interstate 26 this week. 147 North. Department of Transportation will keep N. 23/441 meets N. and 7 p. please contact the project team at complete540@ncdot. This will also include the ramp from northbound Alston Avenue onto N. until 4:45 p. 70 to provide new access to businesses and properties that front the highway. . 147 South. Traffic on N. Department of Transportation plan to close portions of the U. NCDOT Current 2024-2033 STIP Points. Department of Transportation will close a section of eastbound & westbound I-440 between Western Blvd. M. daily. 220 in Greensboro. Location: I-26 East from Brevard Road (Exit 33) to Upward Road (Exit 53) Detour: I-40 East to Hendersonville Road (Exit 50) south through Hendersonville to U. Last Modified: December 3, 2024 (0 ratings, 0 comments, 62,391 views) 1970 North Carolina Official Highway Map (13. Start times may be delayed due to high traffic volume. they can contact the project team at 1-800 Official real-time traffic and travel information for North Carolina. Drivers are encouraged to NCDOT. highways will be opened from the morning of Thursday, July 1 through the evening of Tuesday, July 6. Vote here and help NCDOT win $10,000 to be donated to The following key construction impacts have been outlined to assist in planning and navigating through upcoming closures: September 11 from 9:00 a. to 6a. Tuesday to 1 a. Work is expected to last through the end of July. Residents living on Catherine Place, Wesley Court or in the surrounding area will access Holly Springs Road using Lassiter Road via South Carroll Street Official real-time traffic and travel information for North Carolina. The lane closures, road closures and detours have been coordinated with Wake Technical Community College Southern Wake Campus and will allow for continued operations during construction activities. . SWANSBORO – A portion of an Onslow County road washed out, so N. through 5:00 a. Monday until 3:30 p. 74 ALT and Slick Rock Road, according to NCDOT. 211 in Brunswick County and U. Welcome to North Carolina Roads where you'll find the most complete travel information about local roads and interstate highways in the state of North Carolina, including road conditions, The road is also impassable between U. 50 bridge. Department of Transportation engineers have set a schedule for overnight closures on Interstate 26 this week. 105 will remain closed from Broadstone Road to Old Shulls Mill Road until at least tomorrow evening as contract crews continue to safely clear materials from a blasting operation earlier in the week. Service roads will be built adjacent to U. Dec. to 1 P. 3. is resurfacing Governors Drive from Mt. Friday through 6 a. Where possible, lanes that have been closed for construction on interstates or U. Click here to see a map. Division of Motor Vehicles reported Wednesday afternoon that 36 driver license offices were closed, and another 34 had suspended road tests due to the storm. I-26 East from Brevard Road (Exit 33) to Airport Road (Exit 40) and the Airport Road onramp ***NCDOT*** 7/22/2024 3:55 PM Published Date: 7/22/2024 Share this page: Facebook 2. The N. 58, Stella Road, Farin Ward Road and Wetherington Landing Road. The eastern end of the Brunswick County was hardest hit. , Jabbertown Road will also be closed to thru-traffic, but residents who live off Jabbertown Road will continue to have access. 9 MB) 1990-1991 North Carolina Transportation Map (18. To skip between groups, use Ctrl+LEFT or Ctrl+RIGHT. Weather permitting, the closure is set to occur daily beginning around 9 a. daily, Bells Lake Road between Highland Creek Drive and Truelove Drive is scheduled to experience temporary intermittent lane closures. A detour has been determined for both trucks and other vehicles until the road is deemed safe to open. , weekends from 8:15 a. Department of Transportation maintains county and bridge maps that identify primary and secondary roads and bridges that make up the State Transportation System. On weekdays from 8:15 a. daily, so drivers should expect periodic lane closures and delays. On Monday and Tuesday nights, I-26 East from U. , Jabbertown Road will reopen, and will remain open until 10 a. Crews will utilize the closures for various operations including diamond-grinding, concrete work on the Blue Ridge Parkway bridge, and sign installation. DURHAM – Contractors for the N. KINSTON - A local road is scheduled to be closed for more than a week to allow N. 25 south into Hendersonville, to U. 55, and N. 29 in Greensboro and High Point. 55 Bypass East between East Williams Street and Old Smithfield Road is scheduled to experience temporary intermittent lane closures. Department of Transportation crews to safely do maintenance work. 41 in Chinquapin. VA from there then take I-81 south. Official real-time traffic and travel information for North Carolina. Since so many side roads are closed, for the best route, use NCDOT's interactive map above, or call (877) 511-4662. Menu the ramps from I-77 South to I-40 East and I-40 East to I-77 North will be closed to allow crews to tie in the existing ramps to the new concrete pavement. 5. 19, N. View Staff Directory NCDOT Divisions CHARLOTTE – Tonight, N. 197. The following key construction impacts have been outlined to assist in planning and navigating through upcoming closures: East Allen Street off of U. to 7:00 a. , weather In the northern portion of the county, Old Salisbury-Concord Road is set to close near Kiser Road from 8 a. ***NCDOT*** 3/8/2024 12:35 PM Published Date: 3/8/2024 Share this page: Facebook X Official real-time traffic and travel information for North Carolina. Motorists are encouraged to utilize the following detour for both closures: Official real-time traffic and travel information for North Carolina. GREENSBORO – Contractors for the N. NOW NCDOT HAS PROVIDED A DETOUR. Monday to 3:30 p. 16 and last until the work is finished, hopefully by the following morning. (Exit 44) to Long Shoals Road (Exit 37) at 8 p. Wake Tech Way at U. they can contact the project team at MORRISVILLE-Overnight closures are scheduled to start this weekend as part of ongoing work for the Airport Boulevard project . 105 closed between Broadstone Road and Old Shulls Mill Road for emergency repairs. Contact N. Upcoming Road Closure in Duplin County KENANSVILLE– A section of N. 14 to upgrade utilities, storm drainage systems and the traffic signal. to 5 a. Department of Transportation contract crews will convert the Interstate 77 interchange at Gilead Road to a diverging diamond interchange as part of a $30. 12, Hillcrest Road near U. 401/Fayetteville Road is scheduled to experience temporary intermittent lane closures. For updated info on area road closures ASHEVILLE – Contractors and N. 24–Feb. NCDOT skip to main. The closure is scheduled to begin at 6 a. 321 near Blowing Rock from Blackberry Road to Green Hill Road to assess impacts from an overnight slide. SOUTHPORT - Several state roads in southeastern North Carolina will be closed for the foreseeable future due to damage from Monday’s storm. NC 106 North detour Lane Closed on US-421 (US421) In Winston-Salem / Both Directions NCDOT Bridge Maintenance contractor will be closing the left lane of US421 northbound and southbound at Exit 235B in order to perform repairs to the concrete bridge substructure of the US158 bridge (Br. You can update the runtime from the settings tab of the item details page. Web Map by North Carolina Department of Transportation. Nov. to 7:45 p. One lane of I-40 West will initially close to traffic at 8 p. A full closure of southbound U. , between Randleman Road and U. ROAD CLOSINGS For a full list of road closures check RALEIGH – State transportation officials are urging people to avoid unnecessary travel in western North Carolina as about 390 roads, including areas along Interstate 40 and dozens of highways in the foothills and mountains, remain closed due to flooding, downed trees, landslides or catastrophic damage from Helene. each night and may be Web map combining the NCDOT road condition map services (including Functional Class, National Highway System, Bare Pavement, Unpaved Roads, Posted Roads, NCMIN Tiers, Statutory Speed Limits) Web Map by ASHEVILLE — One section of Interstate 26 East will close for a few nights with traffic diverting to roads with longer green lights, starting tonight. NCDOT Statutory Speed Limits. Get Involved; Donate; REVC - Radiological Emergency Weekend Closure Scheduled for Holly Springs Road as Part of Complete 540 Project Direct access to Old Center Street and Catherine Place at Holly Springs Road will be closed to all traffic. Menu widening the interstate will close one direction of travel between U. 74 East for pavement marker installation. 1 MB) 2000 North Carolina State Travel Map (2. Department of Transportation crews have temporarily closed it to make repairs. , Friday through Tuesday. New notebook runtime available. (WLOS) — Travelers heading through Madison County should be on alert. Due to large amounts of rain throughout the day, major routes, including portions of U. NC By Train. Tonight: I-26 West will close from U. The westbound lanes of I-440 after the Hillsborough Street exit will be closed on Jan. WINSTON SALEM – The North Carolina Department of Transportation is advising drivers of temporary lane closures and detours on U. 50 wanting to access areas The road is also impassable between U. and 3 p. 70 and N. Wednesday, according to NCDOT. GARNER – A road in southeast Wake County is closed while crews assess an issue with a bridge approach and make a repair. Black lines or No traffic flow lines could indicate a closed road, but in most cases it means that either there is not enough vehicle flow to register Crews have closed U. The conversion will take a few phases to complete, beginning Thursday night. I-26 East will close from exits 40-44 tonight, Wednesday and Thursday nights from 8 p. The agency reported Monday there are nearly 600 road closures, with 100 of those on interstates, and state and federal highways. and state holidays from 9:15 a. 8 MB) 1979-80 North Carolina Transportation Map & Guide to Points of Interest (14. 751. 55 Bypass this week while contractors perform bridge work. The maps also include incorporated cities and towns, communities, major waterways, airports, railroads and other points of interest, such as state and national parks and (Wilson's Mills Road will remain open for most of the construction of this interchange. For real-time travel information Brunswick County has experienced unusal flooding from the recent tropical storm leading to road closures with bridges out, etc. 59 MB) 2021-2022 State Transportation Map (23 MB) RALEIGH- As part of the Interstate 440 widening project, contractors for the N. The closure will be in place for several days for crews to safely remove the structure and stockpile its materials. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) are closing a section of Bailey's Branch Road NCDOT said all roads in western North Carolina should be considered closed and non-emergency travel is prohibited. 226 and N. 264 to U. 215, N. Department of Transportation has closed N. starting Saturday through Friday, Dec. Weather permitting, crews will close the road nightly 9 p. Location: I-26 East from Brevard Road (Exit 33) to Upward Road (Exit 53). Crews will mill and resurface the road between 9 a. 55 Bypass are weather dependent. The temporary closure will remain until at least tomorrow afternoon while crews work to stabilize the slopes adjacent to the roadway and clear debris from the road. gov , which provides the public with Morristown Road: N. 50 will be closed in both directions to perform maintenance. DOT Road closure map. Web Map by GISUnit. Item created: Aug 22, 2019 NCDOT State Maintained Roads. Department of Transportation will implement temporary road closures and lane restrictions for two ongoing projects on U. Crews from DBA Harrison Construction Company of Asheville plan to close I-40 East from the I-240 East/I-26 West interchange (Exit 46B) to Hendersonville Road (Exit 50) from 8 p. to 4:00 p. 106 in both directions near the Blue Valley NCDOT has placed message boards where N. 176 to Upward Road to I-26 These operations are part of the I-26 widening projects in Buncombe and Henderson counties. Drivers should approach the closures cautiously and take into account the detour when reaching their destinations ***NCDOT*** 10/7/2022 10:43 AM Published Date: 10/7/2022 Share this page: Facebook GARNER - Contractors for the N. 21 at 9 p. NCDOT staff will be installing a crossline pipe during the closure. to 7 p. Current N. We provide details about road closures, accidents, congestion, and work zones. Department of Transportation <iframe Travel & Maps In this section: 511 Information Line Toll Roads. The temporary road closure will be in place from Angier Avenue to the on and off ramps of N. NCDOT. tonight, and I-26 East from Long Shoals Road (Exit 37) to U. County & Bridge Maps; County Outline Map; NCDOT Division Maps; County Crash Profile Overview Maps; Traffic Volume Maps; Urban-Area Traffic Volume Maps; County-Area Traffic Volume Maps (By Year) Traffic Monitoring Reports, Statistics & Resources; Traffic Survey Group; Road Inventory Data and Reports; Historical County Maps; Straight-Line Official real-time traffic and travel information for North Carolina. Satellite imagery for the world and high-resolution aerial imagery for many Primary Closures: Total incidents where Condition = Road Closed, Road Closed with Detour, Ramp Closed, or Road Impassable AND Route Type is Interstate, US Route, or NC Route (or NCDOT Division Maps; County Crash Profile Overview Maps; Traffic Volume Maps; Urban-Area Traffic Volume Maps; County-Area Traffic Volume Maps (By Year) Traffic Monitoring Reports, State transportation maps, bicycle routes, evacuation routes, airport locations and other mapping resources from N. Menu ASHEVILLE – Overnight closures will return to a section of Interstate 26 in Buncombe and Henderson counties on Thursday and Friday nights. Explore the NCDOT GO!NC Portal for interactive maps and geospatial data. 64, U. 22 for bridge work. to 6 a. 176 to Upward Road and rejoin at I-26 at Exit 53 Locate contact information for NCDOT WHITSETT- The intersection of Holts Store Road and Old Julian Road is scheduled to close Monday for a crossline pipe replacement. All traffic traveling on I-40 East to I-77 North will be detoured to Old Mocksville Road (Exit 154) and I-40 West UPDATE (Thursday afternoon) – While the left turn lane from N. Train Service. Like closures earlier this summer, this will allow contract Official real-time traffic and travel information for North Carolina. Crews will utilize the closures for various operations including paving, diamond-grinding, and overhead sign installation. Web map representing North Carolina bridges and structures. The closures will begin no earlier than 8 p. The work, which consists of milling, paving, and upgrading of pavement markings, RALEIGH – A series of closures are scheduled to begin this weekend for the Interstate 440 and Blue Ridge Road improvements project – some of which will last for two weeks. 8 million of brine to treat roads. Department of Transportation travel information, including road conditions, maps, ferry services, toll roads, rest areas, severe weather Web map combining the NCDOT road condition map services (including Functional Class, National Highway System, Bare Pavement, Unpaved Roads, Posted Roads, NCMIN Tiers, Statutory Speed Limits) Web Map by NCDOT RoadNC Viewer Map containing the DAILY snapshot of NCDOT centerlines. Belgrade-Swansboro Road near Freemans Creek is closed to traffic. ) The remaining road-level intersections will be closed, along with median openings, to improve safety. The map can be accessed on the NCDOT website Web Map by Signals. 55 Bypass interchange and exit 50 at the Holly Springs Road interchange on the Triangle Expressway on Friday, January 24, from 11:00 p. Crews will repair the bridge’s joints, concrete surface, and deck railing. Drivers will use Penninger Road to access points on either side of the road. State Transportation Map; Evacuation Routes ; Bike Routes; Airports; Drawbridges; State Mapping Resources; Raleigh, NC 27699-1501 Send Message. NCDOT Division Official real-time traffic and travel information for North Carolina. Parts of 1-40 have been As of 2 p. There may be closed roads not listed on DriveNC. Elizabethtown, NC traffic updates reporting highway and road conditions with real-time interactive map including flow, delays, accidents, construction, closures, traffic jams and congestion, driving conditions, text alerts, gridlock, and live cameras for the Elizabethtown area including US 1 and the I-95 corridor as well as other hwys and roads The road is also impassable between U. 13. This page provides three counters at the top: Primary closures are the count of primary (I, US, NC) roads which are closed; All closures; and Total of all incidents (closures or otherwise). 13-15 between 11 p. Report a correction or typo The work will require the road to close in both directions at Hatfield Lane, or halfway between Ramsey Street and Stacy Weaver/Rosehill roads. NCDOT first learned of debris falling from the bridge to the road below in the fall of 2023. NCDOT Current 2024-2033 STIP Lines. they can contact the project team at 1 For more specific information to closures caused by Tropical Storm Helene, NCDOT provides a map of closures across the region, which is updated daily. , callers speak directly with an operator who can answer traffic and NCDOT RoadNC Viewer Map containing the DAILY snapshot of NCDOT centerlines. 55, and I-40 West to reach Fayetteville NCDOT worked to clear roads of snow and ice left behind by the year’s second winter storm. C. 401 between Ten Ten Road and Ransdell Road to now begin Saturday, February 6 from 4 A. 258 Business will be closed. To jump to the first Ribbon tab use Ctrl+[. 49, Stough Road, and Roberta Road, returning to Old Charlotte Road. RALEIGH – The North Carolina Turnpike Authority will implement a full closure of all eastbound lanes between exit 54 at the N. The agency is reporting closures on thoroughfares including Interstate 40, U. Traffic & Travel. Department of Transportation will be adding reflectors to safety barrier and installing pavement markers and rehabilitating joints on a bridge in Buncombe County. S. The contractor will be switching traffic from existing lanes to the future southbound lanes so permanent northbound lanes can be constructed. 74 East at mile marker 119, beginning at 7:00 pm. 24 Bypass and N. View Staff Directory NCDOT Divisions During the closure, drivers will be detoured along N. , Jan. NCDOT. At 9 p. Weather permitting, I-40 West is set to close at Airport Boulevard from midnight to 5 a. It shows them on an interactive map, with clickable icons to get details about each incident. Crews are making immediate repairs and plan to have it reopened by Thursday evening. 52 South and N. On the righthand side are tallies of the incidents by Route NCDOT has identified more than 6,900 sites where roads and bridges are damaged. Posted Bridges on Primary Routes Summary listings and map displays of North Carolina Posted Bridge Information on Primary (Interstate, US & NC) Routes are provided as a service to industry, the enforcement . Traffic heading north on Fayetteville Road or west on I-40 will detour via I-40 East (Exit 278), N. to 4:45 p. On Jan. and 5 a. Also, 47 Official real-time traffic and travel information for North Carolina. 27, Section 1 of the corridor improvement plan is scheduled to begin, necessitating the avenue to close between Memorial Drive and Moye Boulevard/Hooker Road for approximately seven months. the next morning. on Friday. C. whuwmq najs rksjc ptf sygr tzf zewty goyi tshiv gbtw nkg okyxma vviivgc dzwbeey sps