
Clas 350 mcgill. Enter your keywords .

Clas 350 mcgill Lettres classiques : A study of a topic in ancient Greek or Roman literature and culture. [email protected] Course Summary Over the next 14 weeks we will read a selection of Latin poetry and prose, beginning with the Lat McGill. huckins@mail. The course is designed to help students develop a critical attitude toward statistical argument. After class, read the chapter again and do the homework problems; do additional problems if you are having trouble. All 87 are now operated by West Midlands Trains, having previously been operated by Central Trains, Silverlink, Southern, London Midland, First TransPennine Express and TransPennine Express. Physics 350, Electromagnetism: Course Outline Instructor: Prof. scheede@mcgill. Clas 206 is quizzes, 202 is short essays/papers. Please check the ITAL 309 + CLAS 350 + ENG 382: Summer Studies in Italy McGill-STRI Neotropical Environment Option (NEO) MGPO 402 Dynamic Cities Study (Hot Cities World Tour) jobsearch. Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Discrete mathematics. Get notified every week about trending and new documents in Prof. Enter your keywords . Maloney. the black hole solutions [Kerr and Schwarzschild], big bang solutions [FRW], etc. 1 McGill University. Restriction Download the best PLNT 350 study guides at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Download this ANSC 350 study guide to get exam ready in less time! Study guide uploaded on Nov 30, 2019. 90-100 Professor Reviews. Fr; eCalendar. Restrictions: This course is reserved for undergraduate honours students and graduate students. Local faculty will be invited to give guest lectures, and weekly interactive workshop/activities will take place, allowing students to engage with local communities and institutions. CLAS 350 - LIFE IN ANCIENT ROME For more information please contact: cristiana. A study of a topic in ancient Greek or Roman literature and culture. ca or eugenio. Download the best HIST 350 study guides at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! E-mail: jcline at physics mcgill ca Office: ERP 307 (Ernest Rutherford Physics Bldg. gg/HDHvv58 Download the best INTD 350 textbook notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Clas 206 is awesome. CLAS 240 Introduction to Classical Archaeology (3 CLAS 203: Greek Mythology (winter) CLAS 301: Ancient Greek Literature and Society (fall) CLAS 302: Roman Literature and Society (winter) CLAS 402: Hellenistic Literature and Society (winter) EAST 350: Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Literature (winter) FREN 250: Littérature française avant 1800 (fall) (taught in French) pressure class/thickness class nsf ® certified to ans i/ ns 61 866. Sociology (Arts) : This is an introductory course in descriptive and inferential statistics. Frequency domain analysis; filtering Sep 5, 2024 · Note: a maximum total of 18 credits of non-CLAS McGill courses and/or classics courses not taken at McGill (transfer credits) may be counted toward the program. ca ENGL 382 - INTERNATIONAL CINEMA: HOLLYWOOD'S ROME. LITERATURE CLAS 203 Greek Mythology (Fall) CLAS 301 Ancient Greek Literature and Society (Winter) CLAS 302 Roman Literature and Society (Winter) CLAS 350 Special Topics in Classics (Fall) CLAS 400 Ancient Drama and Theatre (Fall) EAST 352 Critical Approaches to Chinese Literature (Fall) FREN 381 Littératures francophones 2 (Fall) (in French) FREN 382 Littérature québécoise 2 (Fall) (in I’m signed up to take CLAS 203 next term and was wondering if anyone could provide me with some info on the general feel in the class. He changes the perception that I've had about myself since childhood, especially the belief in expertise and motivation) McGill. En; eCalendar. s. PSYC 491 D: Please send in one file if possible. Deadline to apply for Fall 2025: June 1st. Students who have not completed Quebec CEGEP, French Baccalaureate, International Baccalaureate, or at least one year of university studies prior to commencing the B. Merci de compléter le formulaire de candi For any questions, please contact jobsearch. CLAS 350 – Special Topics in Classics. Get notified every week about trending and new documents in Jul 10, 2024 · Alerte de McGill. Porter's 1915 silent film The Eternal City to the most recent entry in the Mission: Impossible franchise, Rome has provided an inviting location for Hey :) I registered for CLAS 203 intro to greek mythology for the winter 2021 semester with professor Kaloudis. Download the best MUSP 350 study guides at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! · Esther Marie Guillen: esther@mcgill · Aj na Islam: ajna@mail. CLAS 310 - Intermediate Latin 1. In exceptional cases, other history courses given outside HIST may be counted as Restrictions: Students cannot receive credit for both COMP 350 and MATH 317. heads after the class if any change/correction is to be made. Political Science : Environmental problems like climate change, deforestation, biodiversity loss, and ocean acidification transcend national borders. Norin is a brilliant professor though. wang@mcgill. ANSC 350 Study Guide - Winter 2019, Comprehensive Final Exam Notes - Gas Below is a list of all undergraduate history (HIST) courses currently offered by the Department of History and Classical Studies. There might be other courses in the Faculty of Arts for which you could receive English program credit. Check out the list of courses offered each year or consult Minerva to see what is available this semester. TA's: Jean-Francois Paquet and Atsushi Takayama Phone: 514 398-6480, 398-8322 E-mail: jfpaquet, takayama at physics dot mcgill dot ca COMS 350 at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. - 24577 - CLAS 350 - 001; A study of a topic in ancient Greek or Roman literature and culture. psych [at] mcgill. (a) Sign-and-module: Any bit can be zero or one. Get notified every week about trending and new documents in CLAS 220 at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. Ancient Greek Religion. clas 380 at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. Andrew Cumming Office: room 219 Rutherford Physics Building, Tel: 514-398-6494, email: cumming@physics. McGill eCalendar CLAS 320 at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. As far as difficulty goes I found both of them pretty easy. ca. I took a few classes at the Goethe institute and was shocked at how quickly I learned German under McGill's tutelate vs anywhere else. Course. Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken CLAS 220 key1. Really interesting lectures with a ton of guest lecturers, plus you get an overall background in greek and roman history and mythology. These lists apply only to these courses as they are offered in in the listed academic year. This class builds the theory of general relativity from the basic mathematics (differential geometry, so metrics, manifolds, etc. PHYS 350 Electromagnetism. mcgill · Alexis Lemonde Vachon: alexis-vachon@mail. Naomi Kaloudis Hey, I have to take a stats class for my Geography BA and we get the choice of the following 5: BIOL 373 (Biometry), GEOG 202 (Stats & Spatial Analysis), MATH 203 (Principles of Stats I), PSYC 204 (Intro to Psychological Stats) and SOCI 350 (Stats in Social Research). 160 Page(s). I cannot speak to CLAS 215, but I STRONGLY advise AGAINST taking CLAS 225 during the summer, at least if you intend to continue on into intermediate Ancient Greek the following year. Complete syllabus is available to students enrolled in the class. furlan@mcgill. Final Exam. CLAS at McGill. CLAS 201 Greece and Rome (3 credits) To receive alerts about BIEN 350 at McGill class notes, search now. bolongaro@mcgill. MCGILL. ca) Office Hours: Th 1:30-3:30 pm or by appointment Sherbrooke 680, Room 282 (second floor) WARNING: Course readings contain sexually explicit materials, which will be examined critically within an academic context. COMP 350 Solutions to Assignment 1 1. I am usually on line to answer questions. Graph Theory: matching theory, connectivity, planarity, and colouring; graph minors and extremal These lists show English Department courses for 2024-2025 that fulfill requirements of the Cultural Studies, Drama & Theatre, and Literature programs, as well as complementary courses offered in other departments. g. Faculty of Arts—2024-2025 (last updated Sep. Ancient texts taught in translation; students require no knowledge of ancient Greek or Latin. ca / Vue d'ensemble / Tous les cours CLAS 312 Intermediate Latin 2 (3 unités) Offered by: Histoire et études classiques ( Arts et service social ) Is the final mostly theoretical-based questions again? Because the professor had said in class that "given xxx values, you should be able to compute the answer using the formula I showed in class". ) Office hours: after class, by appointment, or by e-mail. Anecdotally, I have heard that it is a very difficult class and is even considered by some to be the most difficult class at McGill. I was wondering if anyone had taken… Just so you're aware, the withdrawal deadline is tonight (Aug. There is no single “hardest course”. Download the best INTD 350 study guides at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Download the best COMP 350 class notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Neither class has much coding. Classics : A study of a topic in ancient Greek or Roman literature and culture. Other courses in those units do not typically count. 35-9. Class Size. CLAS 203. Download the best SOCI 350 class notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! The appearance of a course on these lists does not guarantee that the department running this course and/or the instructor will grant permission to a student from English to take this course; please always inquire about the availability of taking these courses. Associated Term Information Rome 2025 All courses will be taught at La Sapienza by McGill professors. This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. McGill’s Strategic Academic Plan states: “We make a commitment to providing undergraduate and graduate students with … enriched educational opportunities … through internships, field courses and field semesters, research internships, international competitions, and international exchanges” These lists comprises courses offered in the Department of English that will be accepted for credit towards your cultural studies, drama and theatre, and literature program requirements. 20 Class Notes. Sirois is pretty great too, very laid back and casual. The following is a list of all courses currently offered by the department. I'd say that if you have a background in languages, you should be able to bang out As in language courses. Location: La Sapienza University (LSU) Campus in Rome, Italy Duration: Forty hours in 4 weeks Dates: June 1st to June 30th May 21, 2024 · Arts-humanities document from McGill University, 6 pages, CLAS 350: The Bronze Age Mediterranean Winter 2024 M, W 1:05-2:25 PM Birks 111 Credits: 3. mcgill · Lauren Parison: lauren@mail. Get notified every week about trending and new documents in Class Notes for INTD 350. In theory, you can estimate your final grade based on historical class averages, weight of each assessment, and your performance relative to the class average. Intermediate Latin Professor Gladhill TR: 11:35-12:55 Office: 609 Leacock Office Hours: Tues 10:10-11:10 or by appt. Time and location TTh 8. Get notified every week about trending and new documents in Usual reminder that you can contribute to the class average crowdsourcing through the McGill Enhanced chrome extension. gg/HDHvv58 Download the best BIOL 350 textbook notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! The Department of History and Classical Studies offers a wide range of classics (CLAS) and ancient history (HIST) courses. Info McGill University's CLAS department has 11 courses in Course Hero with 159 documents and 7 answered questions. So there are a total of 232 different representations. Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken CLAS 347. Evening Mid-Term exams Due to the size McGill University Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education PHYSICAL FITNESS EVALUATION METHODS EDKP 350-001, 002, 003 COURSE OUTLINE, Winter 2025 Instructor: Celena Scheede-Bergdahl, Ph. ca / Vue d'ensemble / Tous les cours CLAS 306 Classics in Modern Media (3 unités) Offered by: Histoire et études classiques ( Arts et service social ) Literature CLAS 203 Greek Mythology (Fall) CLAS 301 Ancient Greek Literature and Society (Winter) CLAS 302 Roman Literature and Society (Winter) CLAS 350 Special Topics in Classics (Fall) CLAS 400 Ancient Drama and Theatre (Fall) EAST 352 Critical Approaches to Chinese Literature (Fall) FREN 381 Littératures francophones 2 (Fall) (in French) FREN 382 Littérature québécoise 2 (Fall) (in This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Just visit any ecalendar course overview page with the extension installed and you can retrieve and submit the class averages from your transcript with just two clicks. Jim Cline's Home page . I took it during the summer of my first year, after having taken the full intro level Latin courses during the year. PHYS 514: general relativity with Prof. It’s just we tend to put multiple courses that each needs great deal of effort together in one sem. Programmes, cours et politiques de l'Université Automne 2024 – Été 2025 Pre-quisite(s): CLAS 220 or equivalent. NOTE: beginning CLAS Dept. Highly interesting and practical. Jim Cline, RPHYS 307, 398-5848, jcline@physics. 26th) at midnight. From Edwin S. CLAS 350. Textbook To receive alerts about HIST 350 at McGill class notes, search now. Data Recovery. Topics varies by year (Winter 2024 – Bronze Age Mediterranean and Mesopotamia 3300-1200BCE) McGill Summer Studies in Rome – June 2025 ITAL 309 – PERSPECTIVE ON ITALY: WOMEN OF ROME This course explores women's lives, struggles, and societal impact during the cultural, historical, and political transformations of 20th-century Rome through the lens of influential Italian women. ca This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. I’ve heard Dr. Please consult the Minerva Class Schedule for the most up-to-date list of course offerings for the current academic year. All CLAS courses at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. mcgill · Samuel Gleave Riemann: samuel@mail. How much work… Download the best LING 350 class notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Download the best INTD 350 class notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Overview. pdf. Very fun class where you learn functional programming and see a bit about parsers and compilers and how they work. 3Preparing for Lectures One way to study: to prepare for class, read the chapter, just skimming the problems, before it is covered in class. pipe u. CLAS 350 - Special Topics in Classics. Download the best EDEE 350 textbook notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Topics varies by year. Recent Professors. Linear time-invariant systems; convolution. He is the KING of mcgill) PSYC 471 (with Richard. Focusing on literature, cinema, and feminist activism, the McGill courses that take place off-campus, abroad and are available to McGill students! ITAL 309 + CLAS 350 + ENGL 382: Summer Studies in Italy. This class is largely separate from MATH 240/350, and while you might need to read a bit for the assignments, you can still (as I did) get away with not having much formal education in the field before starting this class. must also complete a minimum of 30 credits of Freshman courses (in addition to the 120-credit program) for a total of 150 credits. mcgill · Tom Giles: tom@mail. Related Content This course may be used as a required or complementary course in the following programs: McGill. D. Departmental seminar rooms for seminars, tutorials and conferences Seminars and tutorials are scheduled mainly by the Class Schedule Office. McGill: A 21st Century Global University. Open to the World . Get notified every week about trending and new documents in Download the best PLNT 350 class notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Class Notes for PLNT 350 at McGill University 🏷️ LIMITED TIME OFFER: GET 20% OFF GRADE+ YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION → To receive alerts about EDSL 350 at McGill class notes, search now. **There is a MAXIMUM capacity of only 15 students per course. So not a super hard course, but they don't like to give away As for free (reflects the general trend, I find, that essay based courses get "easier" at the 400 level). Statement of Intent: (please express your interest in the above selected course, maximum 300 words): Download the best EDKP 350 class notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Literature: ANTH 513 The Poetry of Anthropology (Winter) CLAS 203 Greek Mythology (Winter) CLAS 301 Ancient Greek Literature and Society (Fall) CLAS 302 Roman Literature and Society (Winter) CLAS 350 Special Topics in Classics (Fall) EAST 350 Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Literature (Winter) EAST 461 Inventing Modern Japanese Novel (Winter) GERM 259 Introduction to German Literature 1 (Fall The German department is world class. 3. 11111100000. If you feel you have **CLAS 350 – For information only: by June 2024 which course(s) will you have taken: HIST 205 CLAS 201 CLAS 302 **ITAL 309 – This course requires: ITAL 215 / ITAL 216. Darian Totten is offering CLAS 350: Ancient Sports and Athletics this semester. 0001011101 2. McGill University. School. Please note that each course is not necessarily taught every year. Download the best PHYS 350 textbook notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Download the best COMP 350 study guides at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Download the best LING 350 study guides at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Overview. ” I haven’t heard 454 is easy, either, but not as hard as the others. Math 350 used to be Graph Theory and Combinatorics with Norin. Instructors: Totten, Darian (Fall) Restriction (s): Not open to students who have taken CLAS 347. PSYC 491D Application Form PSYC 492 & PSYC 499: The proposal should include the description of the project, the reading list, and the method of evaluation. pipe / www. CLAS 349 + CLAS Le Département d’Histoire et d’Études classiques invite des candidatures pour enseigner un cours durant la session d’hiver 2024. McGill. 55am, Room 118 Rutherford Physics Building (first class Tues Sep 5th) Lecturer Prof. mcgill. You might not care how you're doing relative to your peers, whic Math 350 and Comp 252 are also pretty difficult classes but not nearly as bad as algebra 4 It's funny because PHIL 210 was probably the easiest class I ever took I haven’t taken either yet, but I’ve spoken to a handful of people who have taken 350 as I am taking it in the fall. Download the best WILD 350 study guides at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! The British Rail Class 350 Desiro is a class of electric multiple unit passenger train built by Siemens Transportation Systems to its Desiro design between 2004 and 2014. Program students should consult the list of Courses by Area when planning McGill University. These courses in a different year may not necessarily count towards certain program requriements. 5, 2024) ( disclaimer ) All applications to be sent to undergrad. gg/HDHvv58 Studying Clas 203 Greek Mythology at McGill University? On Studocu you will find 53 lecture notes, 24 mandatory assignments, 18 summaries and much more for Clas 203 In general, those courses in East Asian Studies, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, and Social Studies of Medicine or the Institute for Health and Social Policy that are taught by History and Classical Studies professors count as complementary courses. ca Teaching Assistants: Will Huckins (Tuesday): will. Download the best ENTO 350 study guides at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Download the best MUTH 350 study guides at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Download the best PHIL 350 study guides at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Download the best CLAS 310 class notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Download the best SWRK 350 study guides at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! 302 with Prakash is easy (class average was A- or B+ don't remember). Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025. If you missed the first information session for Summer 2024's CLAS350: Life in Ancient Rome, a second one is taking place this coming Tuesday, November 28th from 4:35-5:55 pm in Arts 150. Detailed Class Information; Special Topics in Classics. My thinking with posting this is that perhaps we could start a list of great option classes we have taken and which term. gg/HDHvv58 Overview. I was wondering if anyone would recommend a class to take? Download the best SOCI 350 textbook notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Textbook Notes for SOCI 350 at McGill University 🏷️ LIMITED TIME OFFER: GET 20% OFF GRADE+ YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION → To receive alerts about SWRK 350 at McGill class notes, search now. Link to crowdsourced class averages McGill University. com p 2 u. tobin@mcgill. 350 has a bit, but nothing complicated (mainly MATLAB) and 330 has none at all. CLAS 450 Advanced Topics (3 credits) To receive alerts about MUTH 350 at McGill class notes, search now. Guojun Wang (guojun. Probably not the most useful class for industry but def not useless. pipe and foundry company / 866. The assignments from 350 were more straightforward and easy, and the final didn't cover anything harder than we had seen in class, just make sure to know the material well. Complément d'information : CLAS 201 Greece and Rome (3 unités) To receive alerts about PHYS 350 at McGill class notes, search now. Aug 21, 2024 · 51 likes, 0 comments - mcgill_hsa on August 21, 2024: "If you’re in need of a cross-listed Classics course, look no more! Dr. Then read the text of the CLAS 203: Greek Mythology (winter) CLAS 301: Ancient Greek Literature and Society (fall) CLAS 302: Roman Literature and Society (winter) CLAS 402: Hellenistic Literature and Society (winter) CLAS 500: Classics Seminar: Identities (winter) EAST 350: Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Literature (winter) EAST 351: Women Writers of China (fall) My Fellow Redditors, I (being a newly admitted McGill student), have come across the pain the ass which is finding good option classes. uspipe. Download the best CLAS 203 study guides at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! 5 350. Ed. ca Time and place: TJ 8:35{9:55, ERP 115 Prerequisites: Math 350 or COMP 362 (or equivalent). ). history@mcgill. Please note that in any given semester, only some of these are taught. 000 Prof. It's a big class and you wouldn't fail by any means, but iirc the average is usually B+ and they like to keep people around there. If you submit your work . CLAS 203 - GREEK MYTHOLOGY - POST MID TERM HERACLES Myths Birth story and early life of Heracles Labors of Heracles, including his side labor's and deeds The women he meets and how they affect his life: Megara, Deianeira, and Iole Pottery found as far bac CLAS 310 at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. The Department of History and Classical Studies offers a wide range of classics (CLAS) and ancient history (HIST) courses. Le campus du centre-ville rouvrira partiellement le jeudi 11 juillet. ca / Vue d'ensemble / Tous les cours CLAS 310 Intermediate Latin 1 (3 unités) Offered by: Histoire et études classiques ( Arts et service social ) From people I’ve spoken to, Phys 251, Math 356, and Math 350 have all clearly been candidates for “hardest class they’ve taken in their degree. mcgill ***You must, muST, MUST ONLY email and submit your assignments to your assigned TA. E-mail: celena. CLAS 350 – Special Topics in Classics A study of a topic in ancient Greek or Roman literature and culture. Is it do-able to get at least a 60% on the final for COMP 350 if I did poorly on the midterm? CLAS 310 Syllabus F2022. See all results. Course Description: Overview. Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 552. CLAS 203 Greek Mythology (3 credits) Download the best RELG 350 class notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! CLAS 203 notes POST MID TERM. CLAS 380. Special Topics in Classics. CLAS 203: Greek Mythology (winter) CLAS 301: Ancient Greek Literature and Society (fall) CLAS 302: Roman Literature and Society (winter) CLAS 402: Hellenistic Literature and Society (winter) CLAS 500: Classics Seminar: Identities (winter) EAST 350: Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Literature (winter) EAST 351: Women Writers of China (fall) McGill University. Laboratories and studios All labs and studios are scheduled by departments. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! If you want to join our discord, there's a link here: https://discord. 303 with Vihybal was moderately easy. ) all the way up to einsteins field equations and its various solutions (e. This program requires 120 credits and leads to teacher certification. Click here for a list of complementary courses in other departments which count towards the Minor. ca Office Hours: Mondays 3:00-4:00 PM, Thursdays 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Location: Leacock 608 This class explores the civil Clas 203 mcgill syllabus. Download the best PHIL 350 textbook notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Download the best WILD 350 class notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Program Requirements. I signed up for Ancient Greek on a whim and thanks to Martin, I'm now a Classics major. pi pe usp 0550 pressure class/tickness class risd 01. Study Guide. BIEN : Discrete- and continuous-time signals; basic system properties. ca / Vue d'ensemble / Tous les cours CLAS 320 Intermediate Ancient Greek 1 (3 unités) Offered by: Histoire et études classiques ( Arts et service social ) Download the best COMS 350 class notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Download the best EAST 350 class notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Fall Term [course medium CLAS 203] [course medium CLAS 210] [course medium CLAS 220] [course medium CLAS 230d1] [course medium CLAS 240] [course medium CLAS 310] [course medium CLAS 320] [course medium CLAS 331] [course medium CLAS 336] [course medium CLAS 350] [course medium CLAS 400] [course medium CLAS 410] crosslisted with [course medium CLAS 610] [course medium CLAS 420] crosslisted with On this page: Fall 2024 | Winter 2025 Please note that room locations and schedules are subject to change and all details should be confirmed before the start of the class. docx. dip. Programmes, cours et politiques de l'Université Automne 2024 – Été 2025. CLAS 400. Carolyn Tobin carolyn. Get notified every week about trending and new documents in General-purpose classrooms General-Purpose Classrooms are scheduled centrally by the University Class Schedule Office of Enrolment Services. Cultural Studies Drama and Theatre Literature Courses in Other Departments Cultural Studies This list comprises 2024-25 courses in the Department of English that will be accepted for Download the best BIOL 350 class notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! CHEM 181 (with Schwarcz. Studying Clas 310 Intermediate Latin 1 at McGill University? On Studocu you will find and much more for Clas 310 McGill Download the best EDKP 350 study guides at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Download the best MUIN 350 class notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Download the best COMP 350 textbook notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! To receive alerts about MATH 350 at McGill class notes, search now. Fall 2024 COMS 210 (CRN 2015) Introduction to Communication Studies (3 credits) TBD Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:35 pm-3:55 pm Broadly this is an overview class on extremal combinatorics, and bounding combinatorial values. xvup wop eiws xjn mlah wcetlkv mepsgdctv fkyeczw jnrwqp ucma gpz jqnornv frxhafa gtdcbt drpy