Koestler art in prisons uk. I've led the artistic programme for over ten years.
Koestler art in prisons uk 'Koestler Arts Dec 15, 2024 · HM Prison Stafford Highly Commended Award for Portrait 2024 pen and pencil on paper sold framed (unframed artwork dimensions: 210 x 295 mm) £190 (incl. This was the first time that a London Jazz Festival event had taken place inside a prison. Full time, £28,119 per annum Application deadline: extended until Sunday 9 March 2025. In November 2019, Koestler Arts teamed up with Serious for a unique concert in the atmospheric prison chapel of HM Prison Wormwood Scrubs. If you would like to buy this piece framed, please contact jessica@koestlerarts. docs No. This year’s Themed Category is ‘Wings’ Aug 19, 2024 · Koestler Arts is the UK’s best-known prison arts charity. uk Tel: 020 8740 0333 To help us monitor our recruitment, please complete the following information after submitting your application to become a Mentor. HM Young Offender Institution Deerbolt Painting 2024 acrylic on paper sold unframed (unframed artwork dimensions: 610 x 860mm) £250 This artwork is on display at Almost Home, the 2024 UK exhibition at Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, from 19 February – 11 May 2025. Since 1962, it has played a unique role in motivating prisoners, young offenders, secure patients, immigration detainees and people on probation across the whole of the UK to lead creative and positive lives. The money spent on merchandise, books and donated artwork will go to support our aims – to run the Koestler Awards and to raise public awareness of the HM Young Offender Institution Deerbolt Commended Award for Painting 2024 acrylic and glue on canvas board sold unframed (unframed artwork dimensions: 402 x 502 x 3mm) £360 This artwork is on display at Almost Home, the 2024 UK exhibition at Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, from 19 February – 11 May 2025. Our Patrons have the opportunity to choose the title of an Award in their preferred artform. HM Prison Peterborough Sold unframed. Dec 15, 2024 · HM Prison Peterborough Sodexo Justice Services Commended Award for Themed Category: From Now On 2024 biro, felt pen, pencil and watercolour on paper sold framed (unframed artwork dimensions: 805 x 562mm) £300 (incl. The group brought their different tastes and perspectives to the curation process, discussing their favourite works and the themes that connected them. £25 a month. Charity No. *Artwork sold unframed. Hi, I’m Charlotte and I produced this year’s Koestler Arts exhibition at the Southbank Centre: IN CASE OF EMERGENCY. You don’t have to go through prison security to get to us. 2 presents some of the best poetry from the 2018 and 2019 Koestler Awards, with a foreword by George The Poet. I first learnt about Koestler Arts when they visited the prison Poetry is the biggest category in the annual Koestler Awards for arts in the criminal justice system, receiving nearly 1000 entries a year. If they do, they can choose to donate all proceeds to Koestler Arts, or to receive 50% of the sale price with a 25% donation to Koestler Arts and 25% donation to the charity Victim Support. A chip server will experience heat like no other and I do not envy his position. The Koestler Awards are open to: – anyone in custody in a UK prison, young offender institution, secure training centre, secure children’s home, immigration removal centre, or high or medium security psychiatric hospital or unit (including the Channel Islands and Isle of Man). The UK's leading prison arts charity. Edited by Martha Sprackland, Koestler Voices: New Poetry from Prisons Vol. Founded in the early 1960s, Koestler works with individuals in all custodial settings, including those in secure hospitals and young offenders institutions, as well as prisons. We award, exhibit and sell artworks from people in prisons, Young Offender Institutions, Probation teams, Secure Units, Immigration Removal Centres and secure mental health facilities. Koestler Arts (formerly The Koestler Trust) [1] is a charity that helps ex-offenders, secure patients and detainees in the UK to express themselves creatively. + More details. The festival was supported by the Department of Sociology at Manchester Metropolitan University and curated by staff from the university’s Policy Evaluation and Research Koestler Awards Results; Arts Mentoring. uk* Please Nov 4, 2018 · What’s it like having a loved one in prison? Our I’m Still Here exhibition was our 11 th annual UK exhibition produced in partnership with Southbank Centre, and featured artwork entered into the 2018 Koestler Awards for arts in criminal justice. Her prize was an afternoon's furlough, which she chose to spend at the Tate to see Blake's drawings. Mar 22, 2024 · This November, at the Southbank Centre’s Royal Festival Hall, the Koestler Arts 2024 UK exhibition will display art from hundreds of individuals in prison. We were delighted to exhibit a selection of work entered into the 2023 Koestler Awards from the South West and Hampshire region at John Hansard Gallery in 2023. The Koestler Arts Centre is next to the front gate of Wormwood Scrubs Prison. These ‘corridors of power’ displayed 88 artworks by 54 women who have entered artwork and poetry into the 2016, 2017 and 2018 Koestler Awards. We are still elated after the EFG London Jazz Festival concert at HM Prison Wormwood Scrubs last week. With an estimated 96 % male population, over the years the group has worked across the country’s prisons to touch upon the lives of so many men and give them hope in their Oct 7, 2023 · Co-curated by a group of learners from HM Prison Isle of Wight 7 October 2023 – 13 January 2024 John Hansard Gallery, Southampton. Jun 6, 2021 · Curated by Lady Unchained A Koestler Arts exhibition for the North West of England 17 May – 6 June 2021 HOME, Manchester, as part of the Ripples of Hope Festival. You can also request a copy by calling 020 8740 0333, emailing info@koestlerarts. We are now accepting entries to the 2025 Koestler Awards! Send your entries and signed entry forms to ‘FREEPOST Koestler Arts’ by If they do, they can choose to donate all proceeds to Koestler Arts, or to receive 50% of the sale price with a 25% donation to Koestler Arts and 25% donation to the charity Victim Support. Hear work from talented writers, poets and musicians in the criminal justice system at Voices from Prison 2025, hosted by Koestler Arts. Simply put, from an emotional wellbeing perspective, the impact Koestler Arts has had on my life cannot be overstated Koestler Arts plays as a platform for that creativity. We do this to showcase the talent and potential of prisoners and people in secure settings – often causing visitors to reconsider negative stereotypes. Nov 5, 2024 · This is what makes organisations like Koestler Arts – the UK’s largest prison arts charity – so vital. Supporting our work in this way establishes a special and inspirational link with our entrants, signalling that people ‘outside’ are supportive of their Dec 18, 2022 · Curated by Ai Weiwei 27 October – 18 December 2022 Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre. Purchased artworks will be available for collection from Southbank HM Prison Northumberland Matchstick Model 2024 acrylic, glue, matchstick, greyboard and wood (artwork dimensions: 250 x 420 x 190mm) £500 This artwork is on display at Almost Home, the 2024 UK exhibition at Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, from 19 February – 11 May 2025. 2022 marked the 60 th anniversary of the Koestler Awards and Ai Weiwei wanted this landmark exhibition to be ‘the most ambitious yet’. Mar 5, 2023 · A Koestler Arts exhibition by women in the criminal justice system 21 January – 5 March 2023 South Hill Park Arts Centre, Bracknell. Our BBC Radio 4 Charity Appeal! Jeremy Deller & John Costi announced as 2024 exhibition co-curators Koestler Arts is the UK’s best-known prison arts charity. Our fifteenth Annual UK Exhibition in partnership with the Southbank Centre was curated by Chinese contemporary artist, documentarian, and activist, Ai Weiwei. Jun 1, 2023 · Postcards from Prison Email: info@koestlerarts. Koestler initially paid for the prize money himself, but more funding was soon needed from other sources, and in 1969 the awards were formalised into a charitable trust. paid roles to those who have been in prison or on a community sentence in the When the Koestler Awards started in 1962 there were just two Awards artforms: Writing and Fine Art. I've led the artistic programme for over ten years. The Koestler Awards provide feedback and encouragement to entrants of all abilities in visual art, design, writing and music. If you would like to buy this There’s lots of ways to get involved with Koestler Arts. Artworks are submitted and The Koestler Awards receive artwork from nearly 4,000 individuals a year. In 2018, Koestler Arts and The Prisons Mission presented an exhibition touring central London churches. Soul Journey to Truth was an exhibition that shone a light on the creative talent within prisons, secure settings, and people on probation in the North West of England. he annual Koestler Awards celebrate creativity in every form with certiicates and prizes, expert feedback and the chance to exhibit and sell work, giving voice to the powerful role Dec 15, 2024 · HM Prison Littlehey Portrait 2024 acrylic, pencil and watercolour on paper sold framed (unframed artwork dimensions: 210 x 297mm) £190 (incl. Dec 15, 2024 · HM Prison Fosse Way Themed: From Now On 2024 pencil and watercolour on paper sold framed (unframed artwork dimensions: 594 x 420mm) £420 (incl. Carl is particularly interested in studio pottery and the art of Middle Eastern textile weaving. Their work helps people without much, or any, way to express themselves find a way to do so through art. Download Erika’s full story here Support local young people in custody and beyond We need your help to encourage young people in Yorkshire to realise their potential through art Last year, nearly nine out of 10 children (89%) in Young Offender Institutions in the UK said they had been excluded from formal education and, according to the Prison Reform Trust, […] Nov 8, 2021 · On display at Southbank Centre in London, The I and The We is an exhibition by Koestler Arts, a charity that aims to help prisoners, secure patients and detainees lead more positive lives by supporting them to participate and achieve in the arts. Dec 17, 2023 · HM Prison & Young Offender Institution Rochester Drawing Ink on paper Artwork dimensions: H: 260 W: 180 mm Please note this artwork is currently being exhibited in IN CASE OF EMERGENCY at the Southbank Centre. Many entrants to the Koestler Awards make work for their friends or families. The money spent on merchandise, books and donated artwork will go to support our aims – to run the Koestler Awards and to raise public awareness of the £50 – pays for a prison leaver to participate in a creative workshop, exhibition or event with their arts mentor £100 – allows us to offer a paid commission opportunity to someone with lived experience of prison HM Prison & Young Offender Institution Forest Bank, Commended Award for Pastel, 2020 info@koestlerarts. Mar 27, 2024 · We invited Chris to join us on our prison visits across the UK, to share his story with learners and encourage entries to the Koestler Awards. It has been an unexpected and wonderful experience from a dark environment like prison. The Impact of Prison Visits. Over the course of four sessions delivered by Koestler Arts in the prison’s art class, the women considered almost 300 works made in the North East, and selected 70 to be displayed. Koestler Arts Mentors volunteer to support one or more mentees who have been involved in the criminal justice system and who have an interest in the arts. 1,726 likes · 54 talking about this · 17 were here. Aug 4, 2022 · The artist also visited HM Prison Wormwood Scrubs and other UK prisons as part of the curatorial process. process and handle Koestler Awards entries, including the cost of shipping, logging in and photographing artwork As the UK’s best-known prison arts organisation, Koestler Arts has been supporting men, women and young people in the criminal justice system since 1962. It receives 7,000 entries each year from prisoners across all art forms: fine art, craft and design; f ilm, evaluating the role of the koestler awards in improving prisons and prisoners report for koestler arts kevin wong, stephen morris, jackie lowthian, peter traynor, kirstine szifris submitted by the policy evaluation and research unit, manchester metropolitan university, in partnership with social justice solutions june 2020 Turner Prize winner, Jeremy Deller, and former prisoner-turned-artist, John Costi, co-curate No Comment, the exhibition of art by people in criminal justice settings to open at Southbank Centre in November This Autumn, Koestler Arts, the largest UK prison arts charity, presents their 17th annual UK exhibition of work created by people in prisons and other secure settings in partnership with Guest Blog: "To be asked to join Koestler Arts on prison visits was a very surreal full-circle experience… it felt much better being at the other side, as a guest speaker rather than a prisoner!" 2024 Jan 3, 2020 · Koestler Arts is a prison arts charity that's been going since 1962. The Koestler Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales no. When a teacher in a prison education department suggested I enter the Koestler Awards, I entered with the mind-set of ‘people like me never win anything. If you’re interested in being mentored, you can download an application form below, and send it to the Outreach Team at FREEPOST KOESTLER ARTS. Artform Supp. The Good Prison: Conscience, Crime and Punishment sets an agenda for radical change in the philosophy and practice of penal justice and prison management. About Koestler Arts Since 1962, we have inspired participation in the arts by people in prisons and beyond and built public recognition of their creative work. Even this invitation gave me some confidence – a sense of purpose in this strange existence that was now my reality. Through our mentoring opportunities, we offer support to people who want to develop their arts-based Poetry pamphlet produced for Anna Mendelssohn: Speak, Poetess exhibition at Whitechapel Gallery London Selection by Sara Crangle "In 1974, Anna Mendelssohn won a drawing competition initiated by the Arthur Koestler Trust, entering a sketch of a tree in the HM [Holloway] prison yard. Since 2008, our annual UK exhibition has been held at Southbank Centre, the largest arts centre in the UK. I have enjoyed being inspired by the amazing artworks, meeting new people, working with Koestler Arts and other professionals. We give our mentors full training and support, but it is our mentors’ energy, arts expertise and organisational skills that are vital to the success of the mentoring programmes. After writing the poem, I was awarded a Koestler Mentoring scholarship and a mentor to help me develop my art. No. 4 gathers together 45 poems from the 2022 and 2023 Koestler Awards, showcasing just some The impact of this work extends far beyond: to families, prison staff, and communities. Koestler Arts is the UK’s best-known prison arts therapy charity who encourage people in the criminal justice system to change their lives by participating in the arts. Koestler Arts, London, United Kingdom. In this compelling Sep 11, 2024 · Koestler Arts is the UK's leading prison arts charity. — Visits are so important. 3 gathers together 50 poems from the 2020 and 2021 Koestler Awards, showcasing just some of the Each year Koestler Arts holds exhibitions and events across the UK. £80 frame) This artwork is on display at The I and the We, the 2021 UK exhibition at Southbank Centre curated by artist Camille Walala and her sister, curator Sarah Ihler-Meyer How do I apply for Koestler Mentoring? Whether you’d like some help to create new work, or guidance to take your talent to the next level, mentoring from Koestler Arts can help you progress. Past curators have included Ai Weiwei, Camille Walala, Antony Gormley, Benjamin Zephaniah, Speech Debelle, Sarah Lucas, Grayson Perry, the families of prisoners and Volunteer with the UK's leading art therapy charity, Koestler Arts based in London. HM Prison Holme House Painting 2024 acrylic and watercolour on canvas board sold unframed (unframed artwork dimensions: 240 x 150 x 2mm) £200 This artwork is on display at Almost Home, the 2024 UK exhibition at Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, from 19 February – 11 May 2025. Purchased artworks will be available for collection from Southbank Centre Feb 19, 2025 · HM Prison Holme House Commended Award for Painting 2024 acrylic on paper sold unframed (unframed artwork dimensions: 417 x 294mm) £200 This artwork is on display at Almost Home, the 2024 UK exhibition at Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, from 19 February – 11 May 2025. The Koestler Awards for arts in criminal justice started in 1962. We hosted them over 25 days in July and August. Purchased artworks will be available for collection from Southbank Centre on 2024. Artforms in the Koestler Awards have evolved with the times, and in response to feedback from our entrants and from teaching staff in secure settings. uk or writing to FREEPOST Koestler Arts. Antony Gormley, the renowned artist, curated our 10th annual UK exhibition in partnership with Southbank Centre, showcasing artworks entered into the 2017 Koestler Awards from prisons, secure hospitals, immigration removal centres and people on probation across the UK. Over the years, judges have included Turner Prize-winning artist Jeremy Deller, Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy, representatives from the Victoria & Albert Museum, the British Council, the National Theatre, the British Film Institute, Louise Galvin, Speech Debelle, Louis Theroux and Hot Chip. This event was part of the programme for IN CASE OF EMERGENCY , our 2023 annual UK exhibition of fine art, craft, music, writing and spoken word, curated by Joelle Taylor If they do, they can choose to donate all proceeds to Koestler Arts, or to receive 50% of the sale price with a 25% donation to Koestler Arts and 25% donation to the charity Victim Support. Jun 10, 2018 · Curated by Koestler Arts, at the invitation of the Prisons Mission of Churches Together in Westminster 21 March – 10 June 2018. As the 2024 Koestler Awards cycle winds down, we’ve been reflecting on a busy autumn at the Koestler Arts Centre, which was buzzing with lots of lovely volunteers helping our drive to provide feedback to as many Awards entrants as possible. uk Email: lena@koestlerarts. Koestler Arts’ programmes and resources are a motivational and inspirational tool that can be utilised by prison educators or by individuals on their own – many of our participants create their artwork in-cell with minimal materials. Prison or hospital number: Signature of entrant: For Koestler Arts sta˝ K. 1 in stock. Championing creativity in secure settings. In many jails prison officers serve chips to stop the arguments but even the sturdiest of prison officers’ fear chip serving. Judges for the 2023 Awards included a talented and diverse array of artists, activists, and writers including Katie Piper, Rich Miller, Hot Chip, Jeremy Deller, Misan Harriman, Charlotte Hamblin Entries are judged by over 100 experts from different fields. Purchased artworks will be Jun 1, 2020 · Courtesy of Koestler Arts. post newsletters with creative activity sheets and inspiring stories into prisons. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to be the first to hear about our upcoming exhibitions & events, benefit from exclusive opportunities and offers, and get stories, art and news from the Koestler Arts team and our entrants delivered right to your inbox. March 2025 Koestler Award winner and exhibited artist Charlie offers guidance on how to get started with creative work when you’re faced with a blank page and lacking inspiration. Losses come in many forms, from losing your home, to losing your family and your friends. But Mim’s job was not to judge them, it was to teach. Drawing on many examples from his research of innovative activities in prisons, including those of the Koestler Trust, Gerard Lemos argues that conscience formed by family relationships and reinforced through community life is crucial. Dec 19, 2024 · 2,000 pieces of feedback later… Posted on the 19th December 2024. Koestler Arts is the UK’s best-known prison arts charity. Koestler Arts’ 17th annual exhibition of artwork from the criminal justice system returned to Southbank, featuring over 200 artworks entered into the 2024 Koestler Awards, from prisons, secure hospitals, secure children’s homes and immigration removal centres, as well as those on 2025 Koestler Awards. Looking through the entries was the most exciting part of the process for me and an absolute joy. Now we have over 50 categories across six artforms. KOESTLER ARTS - ART AID Koestler Arts produce monthly Art Aid sheets featuring creative tasks that can be done in cell with just paper and a pencil. Feb 26, 2023 · Co-curated by learners from HM Prison Shotts A Koestler Arts exhibition for Scotland 24 January – 26 February 2023 Tramway, Glasgow. 'Koestler Arts' is the working name of the If they do, they can choose to donate all proceeds to Koestler Arts, or to receive 50% of the sale price with a 25% donation to Koestler Arts and 25% donation to the charity Victim Support. Please note purchased artworks will be dispatched in late May 2025. The Role To establish and maintain a positive and supportive mentoring relationship with someone who has been involved in the criminal justice system (‘mentee’). It’s also the 15th annual iteration of the show, and the 60th anniversary of the Koestler Awards. Koestler Voices: New Poetry from Prisons; info@koestlerarts. We Oct 3, 2024 · From matchstick models of pool tables and papier mâché cartoon characters to portraits of the Queen, 200 works of art made by prisoners are about to be shown at London’s Southbank Centre, thanks to prison arts therapy charity Koestler Arts. The experience that I have gained from working with Koestler Arts over these past few years has been invaluable for my journey from prisoner to a working, contributing member of the community. There is a huge range of fine art being produced in criminal justice and secure settings around the UK. Our exhibitions and displays share the stories behind these artworks with the public, allowing the voices of people who are often closed off from society to be heard. uk* Please note purchased artworks The Koestler Associates – the only arts-based membership scheme for prisoners in the UK – continued to grow, with 750 people now signed up to receive news and creative activity prompts from us in the post HM Prison & Young Offender Institution Grampian, Painting, 2023 Designed by: Jennifer McGowan ‘Koestler Arts’ is the working name of the ‘Koestler Trust’. Buses: 7, 70, 72, 272 and 283 stop right outside. Being in prison is huge test in itself but surely serving chips on the servery has to be the toughest test of them all. He has been a Trustee since 2018. Koestler Arts is the UK’s best-known prison arts charity, encouraging people in the criminal justice system to change their lives through the arts. We were delighted to return to Scotland for a show celebrating artwork from Scottish prisons and other establishments entered into the 2022 Koestler Awards for arts in criminal justice. Poetry is the biggest category in the annual Koestler Awards for arts in the criminal justice system, receiving nearly 1000 entries a year. One of Stylist's Top 20 Books for 2020 ‘Very real and powerful account’ Kate Paradine, CEO of Women in Prison Step inside one of Britain’s most renowned prisons… During her time as a prison teacher Mim Skinner met people from all walks of life – what united them, was that they had committed a serious crime. He shared with us why he thinks visits are so important, and how it felt presenting in the prison art classes. Company limited by guarantee no. uk* Please note Dec 6, 2023 · Producing the 2023 Koestler Arts Annual Exhibition Posted on the 06th December 2023. Dec 15, 2024 · Co-curated by Jeremy Deller & John Costi 1 November – 15 December 2024 Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre. If you would like HM Prison Isle of Wight (Albany) Drawing Pencil on paper Artwork dimensions: H: 419 W: 299 mm Please note this artwork is currently being exhibited in IN CASE OF EMERGENCY at the Southbank Centre. The money spent on merchandise, books and donated artwork will go to support our aims – to run the Koestler Awards and to raise public awareness of the To deliver arts input, shaped to the needs of individual ex-prisoners, that empowers them to continue with their arts based activities. Through our mentoring opportunities, we offer support to people who want to develop their arts-based Loss of freedom when coming to prison is difficult, no matter what the circumstances. Establishment staff and Koestler entrants can request to be sent each new sheet directly by emailing charis@koestlerarts. Collection of artworks is available from the Southbank Centre on the 19th and 20th December between 10am - 6pm. uk Mar 22, 2024 · That’s why the Koestler Arts charity highlights and celebrates art from an unexpected source; their annual exhibition displays artwork from people in prison. Koestler Arts partnered with the University of Surrey to showcase an art exhibition all about food in women’s prisons and other settings at South Hill Park in Berkshire. If you would like to buy this piece framed, please Koestler Arts exhibitions have continued since then and now include shows around the UK. Poetry is the biggest category in the annual Koestler Awards, receiving nearly 1000 entries a year. Purchased artworks will be dispatched in late Jan 2024. Feb 19, 2025 · HM Prison & Young Offender Institution Low Newton Watercolour and Gouache 2024 biro, pencil and watercolour on paper sold unframed (unframed artwork dimensions: 203 x 148mm) £100 This artwork is on display at Almost Home, the 2024 UK exhibition at Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, from 19 February – 11 May 2025. The exhibition was co-curated by ten learners at HM Prison Isle of Wight, who selected the 80 exhibited … If they do, they can choose to donate all proceeds to Koestler Arts, or to receive 50% of the sale price with a 25% donation to Koestler Arts and 25% donation to the charity Victim Support. We encourage some of the most marginalised people in society, those in prisons, secure hospitals, in probation hostels, and immigration detention centres, to participate in If they do, they can choose to donate all proceeds to Koestler Arts, or to receive 50% of the sale price with a 25% donation to Koestler Arts and 25% donation to the charity Victim Support. Koestler Voices: New Poetry from Prisons Vol. If you would like to An online talk about the making of ‘My Path‘, the first Koestler Arts exhibition in Yorkshire June 2021. £80 frame) This artwork is on display at No Comment, the 2024 UK exhibition at Southbank Centre, curated by Jeremy Deller and John Costi, from 1 November – 15 December 2024. While art materials can be difficult to get hold of in prison, everyone is entitled to paper and something to write with. If you As the UK’s best-known prison arts organisation, Koestler Arts has been supporting men, women and young people in the criminal justice system since 1962. May 22, 2023 · Tell us about your week at the Affordable Art Fair – what presence did Koestler Arts have there? The fair organisers gave us a booth where we could display artwork and information about our work, so we spent our first few days in Hampstead preparing our stand – we were surrounded by over 100 professional galleries, so we knew it had to be Nov 21, 2019 · Koestler Arts x London Jazz Festival Wormwood Scrubs Prison 21 November 2019. In this virtual event, we discussed how the exhibition My Path: Art by people in the criminal justice system came together; from working with young people to curate the displays to installation at the Millennium Gallery. Millionaire Marco HM Young Offender Institution Feltham Arts Society Greater London Area First-Time Entrant Award for Printmaking 2021 ink on paper sold framed (unframed artwork dimensions: 291 x 419mm) £280 (incl. 4961363. 1105759. Deadline: Friday 11 April, 2025. When Koestler died, he left £10,000 to the charity. The scheme expanded rapidly. £100 frame) This artwork is on display at No Comment, the 2024 UK exhibition at Southbank Centre, curated by Jeremy Deller and John Costi, from 1 November – 15 December 2024 Nov 8, 2023 · The evening included readings of poems published in Koestler Voices: New Poetry from Prisons Vol. We provide a range of creative opportunities and activities for people involved in the criminal justice system, including those in secure settings and people in the community working with a probation service or offending team. [2] It promotes the arts in prisons, secure hospitals, immigration centres and in the community, encouraging creativity and the acquisition of new skills as a means to rehabilitation . Through our established giving schemes, we seek to meaningfully involve our Friends and Patrons, offering different opportunities to engage with Koestler Arts. The Koestler Awards Lit A Spark In Me. org. Nov 27, 2024 · Koestler Arts is the UK’s oldest prison arts charity; their aim is to inspire prisoners and people with experience of the criminal justice system to change their lives by participating in the arts, be it visual art, music, poetry or performance. Our sell-out Postcards from Prison fundraising event returned for the first time since the pandemic, bringing together more than 150 postcard-sized artworks created by both major British artists and artists from prisons across the UK, for a display and lottery event. Our mentoring scheme is designed to support people who have experience of the criminal justice system and who have a keen interest in the arts to develop their practice in the community. An evening of poetry and spoken word October 2022. Guest Blog: "To be asked to join Koestler Arts on prison visits was a very surreal full-circle experience… it felt much better being at the other side, as a guest speaker rather than a prisoner!" The UK's leading prison arts charity. Our first anthology of poems by writers from prison in 2017 was the answer to a strong wish to showcase more of our written Koestler Awards submissions. If you would like to buy this piece framed, please contact Throughout 2018 Koestler Arts displayed artwork by women in prison in key sites across the UK. Koestler Voices: New Poetry from Prisons – Vol. New sheets are available from the first Monday of every month. The art department and prison workshop I was placed in were compiling their Koestler Awards entries, and I was asked to help. ˝e annual Koestler Awards celebrate creativity in every form with certificates and prizes, expert feedback and the chance to exhibit and sell work, giving voice to the powerful role 5,703 Followers, 1,037 Following, 2,115 Posts - Koestler Arts (@KoestlerArts) on Instagram: "UK's leading prison arts charity: awarding, exhibiting & selling artwork by prisoners, secure patients & detainees" Oct 22, 2022 · Not the only big news relating to this event. uk. Our popular Voices from Prison event returned in 2022, for an evening of poetry and spoken word featuring performances and readings from the 2022 Koestler Awards, with contributions from a range of artists and writers engaged with Koestler Arts, including former Koestler Award entrants. ’ Dec 15, 2024 · Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centre Craft 2024 card, glue and paper (artwork dimensions: 255 x 200 x 255mm) £180 This artwork is on display at No Comment, the 2024 UK exhibition at Southbank Centre, curated by Jeremy Deller and John Costi, from 1 November – 15 December 2024. We are unique in our reach — engaging with every prison and criminal justice setting in the UK, as well as British prisoners abroad. This November, at the Southbank Centre’s Royal Festival Hall, the Koestler Arts 2024 UK exhibition will display art from hundreds of individuals in prison. Curated by families supporting someone inside, each family selected artworks that illustrated Feb 19, 2025 · Northgate Hospital Drawing 2024 pencil on paper sold unframed (unframed artwork dimensions: 210 x 278mm) £100 This artwork is on display at Almost Home, the 2024 UK exhibition at Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, from 19 February – 11 May 2025. Dec 17, 2023 · The Spinney (secure mental health unit) Gold Award for Painting Acrylic on paper Artwork dimensions: H:590 W:420 mm Please note this artwork is currently being exhibited in IN CASE OF EMERGENCY at the Southbank Centre. HM Prison Thorn Cross, First-Time Entrant Award for Portrait, 2020 It’s Not About ‘I’, It’s About Us HM Prison Thorn Cross, First-Time Entrant Award for Printmaking, 2020 HM Prison & Young Offender Institution Forest Bank, Caro Millington First-Time Entrant Award for Mixed Media, 2020 info@koestlerarts. We hold an annual Arts Awards scheme for people in criminal justice settings to help encourage those in custody to lead more creative and positive lives. Set Oct 7, 2023 · Every piece in Standing on the Edge was made by someone in a prison, young offender institution, secure hospital, or under supervision in the community, and entered into the 2023 Koestler Awards for arts in criminal justice. £40 frame) This artwork is on display at No Comment, the 2024 UK exhibition at Southbank Centre, curated by Jeremy Deller and John Costi, from 1 November – 15 December 2024. This event was presented as part of The Manchester Crime and Justice Film Festival 2021 in collaboration with Koestler Arts and supported by the Criminal Justice Alliance. Each exhibition covers the range of Koestler artforms and includes a programme of events. of items 24K Unlock the talent inside Freepost KOESTLER ARTS (Freepost contents can weigh up to 2kg) Koestler Arts, 170 Du Cane Road, London, W12 0TX ˜ 020 8740 0333 ˚ info@koestlerarts. Apr 19, 2024 · A New Chapter for Koestler Arts Posted on the 19th April 2024. Koestler Arts invites people within the criminal justice system to submit works of art . The money spent on merchandise, books and donated artwork will go to support our aims – to run the Koestler Awards and to raise public awareness of the Since 2007, we have supported ex-prisoners in continuing their artistic engagement by matching them with a specially trained arts mentor. For supporters interested in higher levels of giving, we are open to discussing new ideas and identifying the best project for your philanthropic interests and how you would like to be Oct 24, 2023 · This year, we had 76 judges visit us to judge our 52 categories of visual arts, music, and writing. Registered office Koestler Arts Centre, 170 As a keen advocate of the power of art in custodial settings, Carl is passionate about the work of Koestler Arts and the positive impact it has on both the women he looks after and the UK’s wider prison population. This sold-out show was the first ever jazz festival event inside a prison, and saw a group of performers from Scrubs share the stage with Grammy-Award winning musician Rhiannon Giddens. Each year over 3,500 people in custody and in the community share their creative work by taking part. Its annual show hopes to increase public awareness and understanding of art by people in the The Koestler Arts Safeguarding Policy can be accessed via the link below. As we embark on a new era, having just moved into our new custom-built arts centre next door to HMP Wormwood Scrubs, Koestler Arts Chief Executive Fiona Curran reflects on what the new Koestler Arts Centre means for the charity. £10 a month. At the end of March 2018, the prison population of England and Wales was approximately 84,000, of which around 4,000 were women. The annual Koestler Awards celebrate creativity in every form with certificates and prizes, expert feedback and the chance to exhibit and sell work, giving voice to the powerful role Curated by Antony Gormley 21 September – 15 November 2017 Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre. May 31, 2023 · A Koestler Arts lottery fundraising event The Art Workers’ Guild 31 May 2023. 4 and a selection of other written work from this year’s Koestler awards. Dame Anne Owers, Chair of Trustees Contents 2 Koestler Arts in the Pandemic 4 Koestler Awards 2020 6 Exhibitions 8 Outreach 10 Mentoring & Scholarships 11 Projects & Events 12 Financial Review 13 Future Plans Introduction On the cover Picture Window, HM Prison Oakwood, Each year Koestler Arts receive work from over 3,500 people in the criminal justice system, view artwork galleries, art aids and stories from prisoners to feel inspired to get involved! Dec 17, 2023 · HM Prison Frankland Commended Award for Printmaking Ink on card Artwork dimensions: H: 296 W: 361 mm Please note this artwork is currently being exhibited in IN CASE OF EMERGENCY at the Southbank Centre. You know life will never be the same for anyone involved. If you would like to collect Koestler Arts is Britain’s oldest and best-known UK prison arts charity, awarding, exhibiting and selling artworks by prisoners for 50 years, some of whom later go on to pursue arts degrees and careers in the field. Original artwork by a Koestler Awards Entrant. " - Sara Koestler Arts plays as a platform for that creativity. 1105759 'Koestler Arts' is the working name of the ‘Koestler Trust’. Feb 19, 2025 · HM Prison & Young Offender Institution Low Newton Commended Award for Watercolour and Gouache 2024 biro, pencil and watercolour on paper sold unframed (unframed artwork dimensions: 206 x 148mm) £100 This artwork is on display at Almost Home, the 2024 UK exhibition at Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, from 19 February – 11 May 2025. The money spent on merchandise, books and donated artwork will go to support our aims – to run the Koestler Awards and to raise public awareness of the The Koestler Awards are the only UK-wide art prize for people in the criminal justice system. We’re looking for an experienced administrator to support day-to-day fundraising administration tasks and help to ensure the smooth operation of the organisation, managing governance processes and supporting strategic initiatives. Each year Koestler Arts holds exhibitions and events across the UK. The money spent on merchandise, books and donated artwork will go to support our aims – to run the Koestler Awards and to raise public awareness of the Nov 28, 2019 · The Spirit of Jazz Posted on the 28th November 2019. As the UK’s best-known prison arts organisation, Koestler Arts has been supporting men, women and young people in the criminal justice system since 1962. Dame Anne Owers, Chair of Trustees Contents 2 Koestler Arts in the Pandemic 4 Koestler Awards 2020 6 Exhibitions 8 Outreach 10 Mentoring & Scholarships 11 Projects & Events 12 Financial Review 13 Future Plans Introduction On the cover Picture Window, HM Prison Oakwood, May 22, 2023 · Art Behind bars, changing the lives of men in prisons across the UK For more than 60 years, Koestler Art has been changing the lives of the incarcerated up and down the UK. Koestler, in case you didn’t know, is the UK’s foremost prison arts charity. uk @KoestlerArts ˛ koestlerarts. Engaging with fine art is often one of the first steps into education for many people in secure settings. 2 days ago · Fundraising and Executive Administrator. Dec 15, 2024 · HM Prison & Young Offender Institution Parc Translation, Transmutations, Transpositions Highly Commended Award for Ceramics 2024 ceramic, glaze and string (artwork dimensions: 275 x 190 x 268mm) £300 This artwork is on display at No Comment, the 2024 UK exhibition at Southbank Centre, curated by Jeremy Deller and John Costi, from 1 November – 15 December 2024. Purchased artworks will be available for collection from Southbank Centre on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th Koestler Arts’ exhibition. Artworks are submitted and then curated by way of the Koestler Awards. Share your visual art, writing, design or music in the 2025 Koestler Awards. To understand how most prisoners in the UK might first connect with art, it is helpful to know a little about what prison in the UK is like. uk or writing to Koestler Arts, 170 Du Cane Road, London W12 0TX. xdqaec wrizpv wkwqert kaev cbblfwh elm gdlrh itzqrbj adox xanpio gvah lzvr byrgoe emml wzuxdn