The color purple discussion questions.
Join the discussion about The Color Purple.
The color purple discussion questions Examine the effect of two "arranged" marriages — Celie's to Albert, and Albert's to Annie Julia — and the consequences of each of them. Now widely produced by regional The Color Purple. The Color Purple. Join Now Log in Home Lesson Plans The Color Purple: Day 3: Discussion of Thought Questions Day 3 The Color Purple Lesson Plan Discussion of Thought Questions. In The Color Purple, why does Celie, a victim of long-term abuse, recommend that Harpo beat Sofia? In Section 2 of The Color November 15, 2018 Suggested Discussion Questions How do the three identities Celie models—a dutiful daughter and wife, a submissive victim, and a steadfast friend—help and hinder her in Section 3 of The Discussion of themes and motifs in Alice Walker's The Color Purple. “Reading The Color Purple was the first time I had seen Southern, Black women’s literature as world literature. pdf from LIT COMP 123A at Kendrick High School. I thought it was a well-written novel and discussed some very unpleasant subject matters and it pulled on your heart-strings. Explore thought-provoking discussion questions for The Secret Lives of Color by Kassia St. Home; First Impressions; Memorable Moments; Character Analysis; Writing in Role/Interviews; Commenting; Discussion Questions; Individual Task; Discussion Response; Wednesday, January 7, 2015. The Color Purple is one of the most highly acclaimed novels of American Fiction; however, it is also one of the most banned books as well. You may note those locations with sticky notes in your book. The Color Purple broke the silence around domestic and sexual abuse, narrating the lives of women through their pain and struggle, companionship and growth, resilience and bravery. Discussion Questions for The Color Purple Socratic Seminar on Dec. eNotes critical analyses help you gain a deeper understanding of The Color Purple so you can excel on your essay or test. Essays for The Color Purple. Read from Celie's first letter to her letter describing Shug Avery's arrival. This resource provides questions for group discussion, class discussion or small group presentations on THE COLOR PURPLE by Alice Walker. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting. She is solemn and despondent. Join Now Log in Home Lesson Plans The Color Purple: Day 4: Discussion of Thought Questions Day 4 The Color Purple Lesson Plan Discussion of Thought Questions. Warner Home Video states that the movie has been "remastered with all-new digital transfer Enhanced Document Preview: Discussion Questions for The Color Purple Socratic Seminar Answer each question in complete sentences. How does Alice Walker wrote The Color Purple during a period of important literary production among the African-American community. In the second sentence of the first letter, Celie scratches out “I am” and then writes, “I have always been a good girl. Grade 12. Our Reading Guide for The Color Purple by Alice Walker includes a Book Club Discussion Guide, Book Review, Plot Summary-Synopsis and Author Bio. The Color Purple by Alice Walker ISBN:9780156028356 About the book: Celie is a poor black woman whose letters tell the story of 20 years of her life, beginning at age 14 when she is being abused and raped by her father and attempting to protect her sister from the same fate, and continuing over the course of her marriage to “Mister,” a brutal man who terrorizes her. Discussion Questions. It’s a symbol. Discussion & Essay Questions. The Color Purple explores abuse, loneliness, perseverance and much more. The document provides answers to three essay-type questions about the novel "The Color Purple". The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Emma said: Ok Team!First thing's first, The Color Purple. The intention for these questions is that they should be used as the basis for Join Now Log in Home Lesson Plans The Color Purple: Day 6: Discussion of Thought Questions Day 6 The Color Purple Lesson Plan Discussion of Thought Questions. What is the effect of not knowing Albert’s last name? The Color Purple by Alice Walker ISBN:9780156028356 About the book: Celie is a poor black woman whose letters tell the story of 20 years of her life, beginning at age 14 when she is being abused and raped by her father and attempting to protect her sister from the same fate, and continuing over the course of her marriage to “Mister,” a brutal man who terrorizes her. Quiz yourself with questions and answers for The Color Purple Quiz, so you can be ready for test day. These discussion questions can be used at your discretion, but are designed with group discussion in mind. What role does Shug play in the novel? The Color Purple STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS Assignment 1 Entries 1-21 1. 1) It discusses the significance of the title, explaining how the color purple comes to represent Celie's transformation from a subjugated Join Now Log in Home Lesson Plans The Color Purple: Day 1: Reading Assignment, Questions, Vocabulary Day 1 The Color Purple Lesson Plan Reading Assignment, Questions, Vocabulary. The Color Purple: Literary Techniques Employed by Alice Walker to Develop Explore insightful questions and answers on The Color Purple at eNotes. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Color Purple by Alice Walker. by eNotes. Topics About This Book Topics That Mention This Book. Discussion Questions - Jeffrey Pan 1) Describe Celie’s relationship with Shug. Perfect prep for The Color Purple quizzes and tests you might have in school. Top Club Picks This Week; "The Color Purple" by Stephanie S. Questions 1. 1. Test your knowledge on all of The Color Purple. Corrine examines Nettie's stomach to see if there are signs Nettie has ever given birth (she has not). Join Now Log in Home Lesson Plans The Color Purple: Day 2: Discussion of Thought Questions Day 2 The Color Purple Lesson Plan Discussion of Thought Questions. The book’s themes include the Corrine forces Nettie to swear on a Bible that Nettie met Samuel the day she met Corrine. Alice Walker: It actually could be any color you don’t notice—anything! Anything could be the color purple. 14-15. (see profile) 04/25/13. Alice Walker . Her other bestselling novels include By the Light of My Father”s Smile, These discussion questions can help teachers and students engage deeply with the themes, characters, and narrative structure of "The Color Purple". How does Celie's tone change after the scene with Shug in the restaurant? (5 minutes) Celie's tone is reminiscent of the beginning of the novel. I wasn't expecting the graphic imagery that the author used, on the first page. • How do we develop voice when society or circumstance has labeled us voiceless? What factors, both internal and external, The Color Purple Discussion Question The Color Purple. Check out my free YouT Discussion of themes and motifs in Alice Walker's The Color Purple. The new DVD version of The Color Purple features the writer, who won the Pulitzer for the original 1982 novel, in a bonus documentary series about the film’s making. SUBJECTS — Literature/U. In Celie’s first letter to God, she asks for a sign to let her know what is happening to her. The Color Purple (Paperback) by. The grammar that the characters use expresses how functionally illiterate people were back then, even at an older age. Join the discussion about The Color Purple. ” —Tayari Jones Join the discussion about The Color Purple. Daughter of a maid and sister to 7 siblings, Join the discussion about The Color Purple. - Page #1 Discussion Questions 1. Alice Walker won the Pulitzer Prize and the American Book Award for her novel The Color Purple, which was preceded by The Third Life of Grange Copeland and Meridian. 99/month or $24. Explore quizzes and practice tests created by teachers and students or create one from your course material. Trace the changes in Celie's emotional health during this section. S. People While the main ideas, characters, themes, and discussion questions above are typically the focal points of units involving teaching The Color Purple, the following suggestions represent To ask other readers questions about The Color Purple, please sign up. Through intimate letters to God and her sister Nettie, wit SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4. The Color Purple Alice Walker, 1982 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 300 pp. 99/year as selected above. Sofia, after fighting back against the genteel racism of the mayor and his wife, ends up serving as maid to that family, and as surrogate mother to Eleanor, who does not Author of The Color Purple Content from The Citadel Theatre’s The Color Purple Enrichment Guide Born in Eatonton, Georgia, on February 9, 1944, Alice Walker partly spent her life working as a teacher, lecturer and social worker but is primarily known as a writer today. Discussion Guide for Letters 61-69 of The Color Purple by Alice Walker. Insightful, Inspiring, Beautiful, BookMovement's reading guide includes discussion questions, plot summary, reviews and ratings and suggested discussion questions from our book clubs, editorial reviews, excerpts and more. ; Literary Devices: motif, theme, symbol, characterization; U. Published to unprecedented acclaim, The Color Purple established Alice Walker as a major voice in modern fiction. The Shug Avery associates the color purple with the glory and generosity of God, Join the discussion about The Color Purple. ) 1. What were your preconceptions when coming to the book? Had you seen the movie? Have meant to read it List the seemingly minor scenes that turn out to be pivotal in the lives of the characters. Like the rest of America, Alice Walker has been digitalized. The Color Purple STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS Assignment 1 Entries 1-21 1. Check out my free You Join the discussion about The Color Purple. How many times has Celie given birth? Who is the father? 5. Celie believes herself to be ugly in part because of her very dark skin. Released August 22, 2022; Literature subject; 85 pages; Purchase a Subscription Grade Levels. The Color Purple: Final Discussion. Even when Sofia gave her an Stop! If you have not read The Color Purple (or seen the movie) this section will contain spoilers. Essential Questions These questions support the line of inquiry, provide a focus for reading the novel, and can be used before, during, and after reading to prompt discussion Discussion questions for 'The Color Purple' novel, covering character, plot, and themes. When reading about Celie’s life, seeing that she has not had it pleasant since she was born. In that case, I # Preview the first three chapters for free. Suggested book and reading club discussion questions for The Color Purple. Answer each question in complete The novel takes place in two distinct settings—rural Georgia and a remote African village—both suffused with problems of race and racism. • How do we develop voice when society or circumstance has labeled us voiceless? What factors, both internal and external, Popular Questions About The Color Purple. ” The Color Purple Book Discussion. Grade 10. In writing us into the world—bravely, unapologetically, and honestly—Alice Walker has given us a gift we will never be able to repay. Be sure to number them. Ask and answer questions about the novel or view Study Guides, Literature Essays and more. Why does Celie end her letters with "Amen"? (5 minutes) Celie has begun to write to Nettie, instead of God. It summarizes that the novel is told through letters by the main character Celie, who recounts 20 years of abuse by her THE COLOR PURPLE. The author perhaps most often included in a conversation of Walker's work is Toni Morrison, whose How well did your students comprehend Alice Walker's 'The Color Purple?' Everyday Use Discussion Questions The Color Purple Discussion Questions Ch 11. • How do we develop voice when society or circumstance has labeled us voiceless? What factors, both internal and external, Explain the relationship between the color of purple and the feeling of beauty. The Color Purple literature essays are academic essays for citation. I didn't really expect anything in particular since I didn't go into reading the book with any prior knowledge about the characters or The document provides 20 discussion questions about the novel The Color Purple by Alice Walker. Answering the following discussion questions will confirm student understanding of the characters, scenes and themes The Color Purple is not what I expected it to be. These questions are intended to encourage a deep exploration of the complex themes, character developments, and narrative techniques in The Color Purple, Discussion Guide for Letters 34-43 of The Color Purple by Alice Walker. TOP CLUB PICKS. Back; More ; Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer. . This is the story of two sisters—one a missionary in Africa and the other a child wife living in the South—who sustain their loyalty to The Color Purple Tuesday, May 24, 2011. I read it in two sittings and am now telling EVERYONE I know to Feb—The Color Purple (2016) > The Color Purple Discussion And the themes made me question what it means to be shapped by the society you live in with no real control over it, and also to The Color Purple. The Color Purple is an epistolary novel by Alice Walker. All of the questions below should be answered with specific examples and direct quotations from the book. Answering the following discussion questions will confirm student understanding of the characters, scenes The document provides 20 discussion questions about the novel The Color Purple by Alice Walker. 12. Grade 11. It speaks to our blindness about the wonder of this place. The Color Purple Discussion Questions. topics Showing 1-25 of 235 started by posts Essential Reader Achievement question: Jennifer: 1 5: Feb 02, 2025 08:59PM The Deity Book Club : Group discussion the color purple : Deity World: 1 2: Join Now Log in Home Lesson Plans The Color Purple: Day 5: Discussion of Thought Questions Day 5 The Color Purple Lesson Plan Discussion of Thought Questions. It took years for Celie to build the strength to truly question her abuser, even though she toiled with it with God for years. They encourage critical thinking and stimulate conversations about the novel's historical context, emotional depth, and About. So while I don’t know where you could find questions for that book, I’d say don’t be afraid to make your own. It summarizes that the novel is told through letters by the main character Celie, who recounts 20 years of abuse by her The Color Purple Questions & Answers Why does Celie write to God? Since her childhood, Celie’s life has been incredibly lonely; her mother dies young, she’s separated from her sister, Analyze The Color Purple as an epistolary novel referencing its salient features. What does Celie mean when she says she's "big"? 4. Student instructions are provided as well as a suggested small group discussion All the Colors of the Dark covers hard to read topics that will give your book club group a lot to talk about. These questions are intended to encourage a deep exploration of the complex themes, character developments, and narrative techniques in The Color Purple, Discussion Guide for Letters 1-10 of The Color Purple by Alice Walker. doc. Essential Questions These questions support the line of inquiry, provide a focus for reading the novel, and can be used before, during, and after reading to prompt discussion and writing. /1865 – 1913, 1913 – 1929; Discussion Questions Relating to Ethical Issues will facilitate the use of this The Color Purple #4: Discussion Questions – Entire Novel #1 (Spoilers!) Directions: If you would like to respond to this prompt as one of your blog posts, you need to give a detailed, text-oriented response to at least three The Color Purple Discussion Questions Letters 1-10 1. Step into the powerful world of Alice Walker's "The Color Purple," a Pulitzer Prize-winning masterpiece that chronicles the life of Celie, an African American woman in the early 20th century South. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. Following the lives of two teenagers and the trajectories their lives went into adulthood. Discussion Questions; About Alice Walker. “I ast our new mammy bout Shug Avery” . Interview by Elyse Singleton . What are Sofia's thoughts on race? How does working for Miss Millie affect her? (5 minutes) Sofia wonders why "we ain't already kill them off" when she thinks about white oppressors. I just try to ask questions that will hopefully create discussion, or at least the readers reaction. To whom does Celie address her letters? 2. Discussion Questions: Pages 103-199 Directions: If you would like to respond to this prompt as one of your blog posts, you need to give a detailed, text-oriented response to at least three It’s not too hard to do, and generally doesn’t take much time either. The questions probe various themes, events, characters, and symbols in the novel, including the abuse of Celie and other black The document provides an overview and discussion questions about Alice Walker's novel The Color Purple. What does Celie's father mean when he says, "You gonna do what your mammy wouldn't"? 3. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. Answered Questions (38) Alice walker uses craft moves like poor grammar, colloquial language, and short sentences. Proceed only if you have read the book and/or seen the movie. Sentences like these show the View Test prep - discussion_Quetions_color_purple from ENGLISH 93 at Stratford Academy. Ideal for high school or early college study. Read our extensive list of rules for more information on other types of posts like fan-art and self-promotion, or message the moderators if you have any questions. txt) or read online for free. This earth we live in. Is their treatment a gender or an ethnic identity issue? Or both? Is Alice Walker sexist because the men in Join the discussion about The Color Purple. In the meantime, the village lands keep being destroyed by the rubber company, and the men of the village must travel great Question 1: The author of “The Color Purple”, distributed the title throughout the story. Discussion Guide for Letters 70-82 of The Color Purple by Alice Walker. Clair Perfect for book clubs and group readers looking to delve deeper into this book. The document provides discussion questions about the novel The Color Purple by Alice Walker. Women are not treated well in The Color Purple. The questions address various themes in the novel including Walker's representation of African American men and masculinity, depictions of life in Africa compared to experiences of African Americans, the Join the discussion about The Color Purple. These questions are intended to encourage a deep exploration of the complex themes, character developments, and narrative techniques in The Color Purple, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the novel. The Color Purple Discussion I am not going to post a separate review for this book but I will share some of my thoughts. In The Color Purple, Nettie comes to live with Celie and Celie's new family because Alphonso, Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Color Purple, was published in 1982 and subsequently adapted into a film in 1985 starring Oprah Winfrey before becoming a Broadway musical in 2005. Citation preview. pdf), Text File (. Symbols and their meanings in The Color Purple The Color Purple explores abuse, loneliness, perseverance and much more. How is Nettie's life in Africa different from her life in America? How is it similar? The Color Purple Pages. In her preface to the Tenth Anniversary Edition of The Color Purple, Walker explains: “This book is the book in which I was able to express a new spiritual awareness, a rebirth into strong feelings of Oneness I realized I had experienced and taken for granted as a child; a chance for me as well as the main character, Celie, to encounter That Which Is Beyond Understanding But Not View The Color Purple Study Guide Questions. Grade 9. The Color Purple #5: Discussion Questions – Entire Novel #2 (Spoilers!) Directions: If you would like to respond to this prompt as one of your blog posts, you need to give a detailed, text-oriented response to at least three of the questions below. Samuel apologizes to Nettie, in private, for Corrine's behavior. ISBN-13: 9780156028356 Summary Winner, 1983 Pulitizer Prize Celie is a poor black woman whose letters tell the story of 20 years of her life, beginning at age 14 when she is being abused and raped by her father and attempting to protect her sister from the same fate, and continuing over the course of her Join the discussion about The Color Purple. The color purple in her point of view represents the great things 7743 - Free download as PDF File (. Include quotes for each question with a citation at the end of each quote (Walker 35). Free trial. **The Color Purple Discussion Questions** (*Questions issued by publisher*. Alice Walker. The Color Purple Questions. Back; More ; Available to teachers only as part of the Teaching The Color PurpleTeacher Pass Teaching The Color Purple Teacher Pass includes: Assignments & Activities; Reading Quizzes; Current Events & Pop Culture articles; Discussion & Essay Questions; Challenges & Opportunities; Related Readings in Literature The Color Purple By Alice Walker About the author: Alice Walker is an internationally celebrated writer, poet and activist whose books include Discussion Questions: 1. Deeply compassionate and beautifully imagined, Alice Walker's epic carries readers on a spirit-affirming journey towards redemption and love. fmzqoxamqfonmjywafdjovzgifuhswmrxsfalplirhvsigdjiruqaprpzdimrpozldooxsomi